Probable Shalmaneser Eponyms

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Eponyms which are merely probable, but which have been preferred for a Shalmaneser 1 setting, are as follows:

Eponym Comment
Serrija Based on Melisah floruit
Putanu Based on Melisah floruit
Ber-suma-iddina Based on Melisah and Assir-aha-iddina floruit
Ili-qarrad Based on Melisah floruit
Ina-pi-assur-lislim Based on Rollig's sequence.
Ber-sumu-lesir Placed in late Shalmaneser rather than early TN1, because of Rollig sequence
Qibi-assur< Samash-aha-iddina Placed in Shalmaneser (leaving Qibi-assur<Ibassi-ili in year 2 TN1 because of floruits) because of eponyms of brothers Ubru and Ištar-eris in Shalmaneser.
Ištar-eris< Samaš-aha-iddina Placed in Shalmaneser because of Sin-apla-eris floruit.

All of these eponyms are relatively closely dated to this period through major well-dated nobles.

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[1] (see Assur 1/2). Discussed by Postgate, ZA __.


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