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*** - Three asterisks means it's the most important sentence to read.
** - Means it's quite important.
* - Means it's interesting.


9.30am VISION COMMUNITY CHURCH 7 Neil St from mid 2006. (They were at Moffatt St 2004 till mid 2006. Cathedral Centre Neil St in 2003; City Golf Club Function Centre. 254 South St; the old Raff Uniting in Raff St originally, the Powerhouse Neil St mid 2001)

1. # of people: 170.
2. Available chairs: 545 at Moffatt St. 172 (at Cathedral Centre) (233 at the Golf Club).
3. Type of person: Regular.
4. S.E.S. Medium.
5. Kids: Many.
6. Ages: 0yo-60yo.
7. Men: 50%.
8. Offering: -.
9. Late arrivals: -.
***10. Interesting info: KEITH PELICAAN SHIFT TO NSW. (former Pastor of Vision Community Church). It was confirmed Feb 2007 that KEITH PELICAAN was about to leave for DUBBO - MIDDLE OF NSW TO PASTOR a church. He had ministry contacts which made contact with him. He had been centre managing at Grand Central Shopping Mall Dent St Toowoomba in 2005 - 2007.
***A leader in the church and of the political party "Family First" publicly said the party was essentially a Christian political party. (It was started by Andrew Evans in about March 2002. To find myriad of information of this family & it's links to Toowoomba go to the bottom of the home page and do an internal site search of the word "Evans." Google alone will not work.) This is an independent charismatic church. The founding Pastor Keith is Charismatic and came from the (non-Charismatic) Christian Reformed church (their old name was "Dutch Reformed") and in about 1996 he started a church with a few people from his former church.
Keith Pelicaan has since resigned from Vision and attends the church as of September 2004, but was at Rangeville Community Church in 2005, Mrs Pelicaan sat on other side of RCC church with kids for over a year. In 2006, it is unconfirmed that Keith had some type of independent street house church. David Blair was the Assistant Pastor who became Senior Pastor in early 2004. David was a Pastor with Christian Outreach Centre in the 1990's. He has lead "Recovery Ministries" from an office in Ruthven St which run in Europe, New Zealand and Australia and are 10 week courses for between $45 and $100. The subject areas are youth, marriage, women, men. They are run in small groups, often in co-operation with other churches, mainly Toowoomba City Church.
11. Date & Time spent: Have attended some 25 times, lastly Sept 2004 9.25am-11.50am. (163 people on 9 Feb 2003 at Cathedral Centre.) (13/5/01 10.05am-11.55am at City Golf Club with 148 people.) (Also 9 Feb 2003- 163 people then 16 Feb 2003- 121 people.)
12. When service finished. 1hr 30m
13. This & other service times: 9.30am. 6.30pm last Sunday of month.
14. Preacher: Ps David Blair (Keith Pelicaan founded this church having been a parishioner in the "Dutch Reformed Church" in Toowoomba. He left Vision early 2004 as he was upset over Mrs Tatjana Mayer not being able to be a Pastor with Vision and did not like the "legalism" set in Toowoomba churches so rather than stay embittered, he chose to leave. ) Mrs Tatjana Mayer is the wife of the Pastor at Living Grace (Lutheran Church of Australia), Rev Edgar Mayer. (Tatjana Mayer completed studies at the same Lutheran Seminary in Germany.)
15. Feeling: Good.
16. Their belief: Charismatic, also Steven Samson from Samsons Electronics who employs 24 people said "This church follows the Heidelburg Chatechism."
17. Dress code: Casual to smart.
18. Travel north along Ruthven, go past Bridge St, turn east up Moffatt St.
**25. EMPHASIS OF MINISTRY: DRUG Rehabilitation. Fresh Hope is a ministry of Vision which takes mums and kids through rehabilitation of drugs. Near Hampton is a big house, where one can become a member of the family rather than there being a clinical approach. Someone teaches health, another helps in group work, they do Boundaries, anger management, can take 3 mums, double story.
Fresh Hope is situated 35 kms north east of Toowoomba. The only real cost is 75% of pension. In September 2004 they received a new vehicle through Jupitor’s Casino charity funds and $16,000 to re-write statutes for their Alcohol Rehabilitation Foundation.



6.30pm VISION COMMUNITY CHURCH. (Last Sunday of month only.) Moffatt St

1. # of people: About 35. (Was 19 at Sandra & Warren Mees's large house 2/9/01 once.)
2. Available chairs: 545 at Moffatt St.
3. Type of person: Regular.
4. Socio- Economic Status: Medium.
5. Kids: -.
6. Ages: 0yo-60yo.
7. Men: 50%.
8. Offering: -.
9. Late arrivals: -.
10. Interesting info: There was a 20 minute testimony then a cup of tea then another lay person gave their testimony.
11. Date & Time spent: 27 Sep 2004 (The very first night meeting for 3 years was held 29 Aug 2004)
12. When service finished. 8pm or 1hr 30m
13. This & other service times: 6.30pm (Last Sunday of month only as of Sep 2004.); 9.30am.
14. Preacher: Ps David Blair (Was Keith Pelicaan) (As always, the information is correct according to the DATE of the report.)
15. Feeling: Worship music has tended to be non - Hillsong in 2004. Perhaps described as songs with "gusto."
16. Their belief: Charismatic.
17. Dress code: Casual.
18. Travel north along Ruthven, go past Bridge St, turn east up Moffatt St.


9.30am WESLEYAN METHODIST 267 North St

1. # of people: 62.
2. Empty chairs: 120 seats, half full.
3. Type of person: Friendly simple folk.
4. Socio- Economic Status: Bit blue collar.
5. 13 Kids:
6. Ages: Good mix.
7. 28 Male. 34 female.
8. Offering: Average for the year per week $1050
9. Late arrivals: -.
*10. Interesting info: They have many (13) Asians in family service from USQ as a result of a worker in USQ. Pastor rides a new, big motorbike.
11. Time spent: 9.15am-11.15am. 27/10/00
12. When service finished. 10.45am.
*13. This & other service times: 9.30am, 11.15am (Sermon in English and not Mandarin as half the church is Malasian which DO understand Mandarin but the other half of the church are from Hong Kong which most DO NOT understand Mandarin, these same people attend the 2nd service), 6pm.
14. Preacher: Pastor David Millican
15. Feeling. Warm.
*16. Their belief: Although tongues are banned from making a public expression the Pastor is very accepting of Pentecostals and there are quite a few there.
17. Dress casual to smart.
18. Travel north along Ruthven till some 2 kms past the city, turn left or east towards Oakey at North St, travel some 3kms and go past Tor St and it's on the right.



1. # of people: 16 (3 of which were non-Christians)
2. Empty chairs: 120 seats.
*3. Type of person: Asian University students.
4. S.E.S. Middle.
5. Kids: 1.
6. Ages: 18-25yo.
7. 9 men.
8. Offering: Not given.
9. Late arrivals: 0.
**10. Interesting info: This University ministry started some years ago and continues with many students coming in and going home. One student said "I do not know how to pray." Another "I am not ready to tell my parents I am Christian as they will be very upset with me as they are Buddhist." Very regularly Saturday nights in the Chaplaincy at USQ they have COSF (Chinese Overseas Student Fellowship.) If you would like to be a missionary at some time in the future in any Asian country, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you get involved with one of these groups. Don't let the language barrier intimidate you! Get involved! Teach each other each language, learn each others cultures, make contacts, teach the bible so they can teach others when they go home.
11. Spent: 12 Aug 2001 10.50am-12.40pm. (9.15am-11.15am. 27/10/00)
12. When service finished. 12.30pm.
*13. This & other service times: 11.15am (Sermon in English / with only some Mandarin which most Malasians can understand which is one half of the group. However, the other half of the group are people from Honk Kong which mostly cannot understand Mandarin, same 13 Asians (only one is Chinese) in this 2nd service), 9.30am, 6pm.
14. Preacher: Leader: Tim Weijie Teh. Ps David Millican supervises outside.
15. Feeling. Warm.
16. Their belief: Evangelical.
17. Dress casual to smart.
18. Travel north along Ruthven till some 2 kms past the city, turn left or east towards Oakey at North St, travel some 3kms and go past Tor St and it's on the right.


6.00pm WESLEYAN METHODIST 267 North St (This service does not exist anymore as of May 2004.)

1. # of people: 30.
2. Empty chairs: 120 seats.
3. Type of person: -.
4. S.E.S. -.
5. 13 Kids: A few.
6. Ages: Half are 15-25yo.
7. -.
8. Offering: Average for the year per week $1029
9. Late arrivals: -.
*10. Interesting info: Their "Kingsley College" requires Pastors to study 4 years then a 2 year internship.
11. Time spent: 7-7.15pm. 26/08/01
12. When service finished. 7pm.
13. This & other service times: 9.30am, 11.15am (Overseas students), 6pm.
14. Preacher: Pastor David Millican
15. Feeling. OK.
16. Their belief: Evangelical.
17. Dress casual to smart.
18. Travel north along Ruthven till some 2 kms past the city, turn left or east towards Oakey at North St, travel some 3kms and go past Tor St and it's on the right.


2pm WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. Mt Lofty School Auditorium.

2. NUMBER OF CHAIRS: 30. Could seat 200.
3. Type of person: -.
4. Socio-Economic Status: Medium.
5. Amount of kids: 4 1-6yo.
6. Ages of people: Mostly 40yo-60yo.
7. 30% are men: 7 men 13 women.
*8. Weekly offering published: $8000/year which is $150/week on average. One person sent a cheque to the church of $6,000 as they saved their tithe for years when the split happened in 1995 as they were not sure what was happening.
9. Lateness of people getting to church: 4 at 2.30pm.
***10. Any other interesting information: This church used to have the "Plain Truth" magazine by Herbert W Armstrong. Which were considered by most Christians to be a cult. In 1995 the church went under a major transformation and fully accepted the normal foundations of Christian doctrine. The Christian church now also has accepted this new church. So, this church is the result of that change. Pastors in this denomination now network in minister's fraternals etc.. Ps Bob said that the Mayor of Logan is a committed Christian. That Lou Edwards from the Joh Bjelke era, his son is a Pastor in Ipswich.
11. TIME THERE AND DATE OF VISIT: 2pm-5pm 8 March 2003.
12. Length of service: Do allow 2 hours.
13. This and other service times: 2pm on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. On the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 2pm, a small group meets in a private home.
14. Preacher: Pastor Bob Regazzoli. (Full time Pastor for 28 years, resides in Brisbane and has several branch churches to look after.)
15. Feeling of building: Carpet was laid Jan 2003 at this Mt Lofty School hall and looks really nice now.
**16. Estimate style of belief: Prior to 1995 they stringently followed the Jewish laws. They would only worship God on the Sabbath, but now they freely worship God on either day. They would keep the feast of Tabernacles in line with a national retreat but now they line it up with school holidays and loosely around this period.) (400 people in an 8 day retreat for families at Caloundra Civic Centre 27 Sept 2003.) They had a media emphasis of ministry but now the "Plain Truth Magazine" doesn't exist in Australia. However, the best way to describe their belief is to say they are "evangelicals." Meaning, bible believing Christians, are open to receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit, not against speaking in tongues, involved in prayer, witnessing, being led by the Spirit of God.
17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casual to smart.
18. How to get there: Travel east along Jelicoe St, turn south at Stuart St, turn right up the driveway of the school, park at the top. The hall is north of the car park.
**19. ACCEPTANCE IN CHURCH AS A VISITOR: Very well accepted. I phoned and emailed them and said I was coming as a visitor and the Pastor emailed 3 others to make sure they welcomed me as well. They knew my name right from the door. What does this mean for you? If you ever want a terrific response visiting a church, tell the Pastor on Monday how you came to hear of their church and you'll be there to visit their church on this coming weekend.
20. People who talked to me after the service: I was introduced to almost everyone.
21. Length of time they talked: A long time. 3 mins to 1 hour.
22. How soon do visitors get talked to after service?: Good.
24. Unusual things about worship: -.
25. EMPHASIS OF MINISTRY: They are looking to get a youth Pastor for all of Qld.
26. Famous business people: -.
27. Famous people: -.
28. KNOWABLE SONGS: Yes, most. I.E. "How Great Thou Art."
29. Quality of sound system/ loudness: -.
30. Quality of preaching generally: Ps Bob speaks very well, reflecting his 28 years in ministry.
31. Meaningfulness/ depth of preaching: Ps Bob speaks to you with a good depth.
*32. Enjoyment/ lightness of preaching: Yes, it is light as well, plenty of laughter.
33. Impact/ deepness/ enjoyment of worship: -.
34. Amount of home groups: Two.
35. How to access home groups: Ask anyone.
36. Friendliness of home groups: Yes.
37. Intention to build: None.
38. Estimate percentage church owned / rented?: All rented.
39. Estimate age of building: 40yo.
40. Dowdiness of building outside: Not bad.
41. Inside?: OK.
*42. Have sister churches where? (In Eagleby Brisbane has reportedly 70 people, Mansfield has 70 people, Northside has 20 people, Samford has a group, Ipswich has 30 people, Caloundra has 30 people.) Ps Bob preaches in Warwick before he comes to Toowoomba.
43. Sunday School availability: No.
44. Ages availability: -.
45. % kids attend: -.
46. Noise of kids at back: -.
47. Where is bible college? Pacific College of Training and Development has recently been set up of which electives can be held at the Gold Coast.
48. Where do kids school? -.
49. How many missionaries do they support: Some.
50. What cost? -.
51. What is average they give to missions: They individually support missionaries.
52. What is average they give to local poor? -.
53. International poor? -.
54. Other emphasis on giving: -.
55. Per head total giving: $5.50 ea/wk.
56. Extent of other church programs: None.
57. Pastor receive stipend? Yes.
58. How much? -.
59. Qualifications of Pastor: -.
60. Estimated of parishioners complaints. -.
61. Estimated ability to resolve parishioners complaints: -.

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NEXT (Congratulations! You've finished reading the first half about "church reports". The next half is about FAQ's / back up information / "other church reports". So, in the next page, you will see the old reports from services which have amalgamated into one current service. So, we will skip the next 4 pages on Archives until you come to "Capital City churches - Bris." )