Burglars' rights, burglars wrong.

So you've sneaked up on a burglar and cut off his route to escape; now you've got the right to kill him, without verbal warning...according to the government, the tabloid press, and gentlemen who would express the following opinion...

"I'm telling you, I must defend the photographs, my hi-fi is irreplaceable and contrary to the opinion of some liberals...it's far more dangerous if I don't sneak downstairs and try to tackle the criminal, rather than doing something stupid like making a noise (allowing the bastard an opportunity to escape). I'm believing of the tabloids that all intruders are not only burglars, but highly likely to be murders and rapists! I'm also confident that my fighting ability allows me to attempt to tackle any intruder. It would obviously be riskier not to try and bludgeon someone. It's not about pride or greed...my stuff is worth me risking my life for!

I don't care that it's your first offence, and that society has let you down by not educating you properly. The burglar chose a life of crime, (I know, some of my middle class mates submit exaggerated insurance claims, avoid train fares, or paying tax, but that doesn't count!) It's premeditated and you didn't attack me first, but it's not murder. I have a god given right to defend my own/parent's own/ rented place and the possessions within it. To me, a stranger's life isn't worth as much as my sentimental 80's vinyl collection, and don't try to tell me it is! These intruders are a violent sort...I once hear of a good upstanding citizen trying to knock a fellow out, and instead of doing the honourable thing and keeping still, he actually fought back! How unexpected and unsporting. I say that we the burglars are the ones who should be scared...that would teach them! Teach them to work in pairs and take firearms as well as crowbars, perhaps, but I'll be ready with my newly acquired pistol. And the government has the cheek to label me and people like Tony Martin as criminals! Doesn't matter that it was a minor he shot, he posed an immediate, whilst threat running away.

"Here's your lottery ticket to hell". I said, while I beat him senseless- just to make sure, mind - He may have posed a threat if he ever regained consciousness. He could have been lying there faking the fractured skull and arterial bleeding, just waiting for me to turn my back. He deserved it, it was his destiny. I'm a law abiding citizen. I deserve a medal of bravery, the vigilante dispensing of capital punishment is appropriate in this day and age. Now they know to expect to be attacked, I can say to all the criminals "do you feel lucky, punk?"  I mean, he forced me into that position. If I wanted to, I'm certain I have the ability to deliver a deft judo chop to the neck, that would render the burglar helpless, but leave nothing worse than a mild headache (or so the movies would have me believe). You'd be crazy to think otherwise!! "

Human nature, you felt threatened. At what point? Someone holding a knife to your throat is a little bit different to simply being in the same house as you. Did he directly threaten you, or are you some kind of psychic? Nobody stops to wonder what the intruder is trying to achieve. You just presume. More than likely he wants your stuff...he wants to get the job done as quickly as possible and get out. Perhaps he wants his fix. You're going to kill someone on the minuscule chance that they were going to kill you? Better take a shotgun in your car and kill all the other drivers! By the numbers, you're far more likely to get killed by someone you know, so perhaps you should be more scared meeting your deranged wife or boyfriend on the stairs or in the lane behind your house. Self restraint could potentially save your life, so think about this long and hard, examine the logic in the cold light of day, so you end up endangering yourself being some kind of vigilante hero. Jump on the bonnet of the getaway car for the sake of saving your handbag? Can't you take "loosing"? Is your pride, or your masculinity threatened? Scared, or smart? Brave or stupid? What personal or social situation has forced him into that position? You talk about free will, then justify your own actions as "instinctive". Human rights are inherent, non revocable and not dependant on situation. "It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away everything he's got and everything he's gonna have." If you want to secure your possessions, get them insured this instant if you've not done it already.  Defend yourself using reasonable force, but whose possessions are more valuable than a human life? Daily Mail readers note, the correct answer is not "mine". If you want to preserve yourself, the choice of action is obvious. What will happen if householders have free reign to maim anyone on their property? It's easy to predict how things could escalate...in America, people who get lost and stop at a house to ask directions are frequently, and quite legally, shot dead. Even in the most wrathful sections of the old testament as it is written, "an eye for an eye". Most of the advice given by religion is of the ilk of "turn the other cheek". Never does it say "a life for my hifi" (a goat, or whatever).

No matter what the government says, and no matter what your own personal beliefs are in god, karma or morality, look inside yourself and you'll realise there's a hell of a price to pay if your actions weren't the last resort possible.


*Update: Now the conservatives seek to tighten up legalisation which currently states householders can use "reasonable force" as the public apparently have no common sense and can't understand what this means. Great. Has anyone considered what might happen if we're allowed to use force, which by definition would be "more than reasonable"...in other words...unreasonable, disproportionate force to repel invaders to our properties? Burglars tooled up with illegal firearms? Do we really need a home-sweet-home arms race to try to reassure the voting public?


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