Del n Earth


Snotty handkerchiefs, steamed up glasses, weak lemon drink and a deserted computer class.

Nerd flu strikes without mercy.

Understanding of motor sport, auto mechanics and physics greatly enhances appreciation of Radio controlled car.

"It's not a game, it's a simulation"

 Paedos in the community- again.

Will knowing which people in the area are on the sex offenders register effectively prevent crimes against children?

Yes. We must act now to stop the troops of pedophiles who regularly abduct children from in front of their parents while wearing false beards, dark glasses and suspicious sweaters.

Rampant hype and disinformation make it more likely that parents will restrict the behaviour of their overweight housebound children. Combined that with a lack of trust in the legal system to properly protect, assess or deal with risk. A failure to recognise that roughly half of offenders are known and trusted by the families effected; and a blanket labeling of child rapists along with 18 year olds with 15 year old girlfriends, and teachers marrying pupils. Are we to have a Neighbourhood nonce-watch to appease the tabloid reading masses?

Did the man who killed himself "escape justice", or escapes the long drawn out media circus, where the victims will be asked if they feel justice has been done; so they can give a typical answer about nothing being able to be done to return the life of the boy. Those who believe "death is too good for them"...what would they say?

Escaped an upbringing that corrected such vial proclivities, escaped identification as a risk, escaped friends and family and the whole of society's correct estimation of the risk he posed, probably a victim of abuse themselves. These are the new witches for burning in our society, where those most vehemently in the hunt, are usually the ones with a moral compass borrowed from TV psuedo-documentary "Shameless"

Shock revelation: 95% of rapists look at adult porn and some are even allowed to work in proximity to women. Somebody should formulate some kind of list and develop some new laws.

Cameron takes record time to become complete hypocrite.

Promise to steer clear of "Punch and Judy" politics, Mr Cameron branded the Chancellor "awful", "extreme" and "a creature of the past". The political equivalent of "Oh, you are awful". Unqualified criticism and as yet unqualified policies; the voters transformed into a nation of gamblers playing open the box politics with a "devil you know" choice becoming more like "devil may care". Faith renewed by smart new packaging promising scandal free and "No added hypocrisy"; before the sordid truths trickle out over the next months and years yet again showing the corruptibility of man.

What does he plan to do next? Black up to reflect the "complex harmonies" of
Britain's diversity? No,
Cameron the Chameleon  turned green and flew to Norway to see effect of global warming on glaciers; (caused by CO2 emissions from things like air travel).

Queens speech just a compendium clip show of previous year's Queen's speeches.

"Anus horibilus"...yet again. Shit happens. terrible year for those who've died, or known people who have died. Although proportionally, there's little difference between the numbers killed in terror/war than died last year...and it's absolutely dwarfed by those who starve to death.

Appropriate reactions. Big news; shit will happen. Correction: Shit might happen. Correction: Shit does happen, but not often to us; but it doesn't stop us winging about it.

Let's just glance at the list of things to worry about...
- terrorism
- diseases transmitted by sniffling chickens
- freak weather conditions, that effect this country, like, er... winter.
- giant asteroids hitting the earth


English in schools? Naw?


Should school children concentrate on being able to speak Scot’s English properly?


If anyone, child or adult has an interest in this historical curiosity; then perhaps they should study. To foist this decision upon a child, I can't think of any advantage a person having a local language rather than English first would have...unless they were going to teach Gaelic. What needs to be addressed are the lacklustre methods used to European languages  which routinely fail to interest children and give them the linguist edge that it seems that every other country has over the UK.

I understand the sense of identity involved, but the idea of speaking the Doric in Aberdonian schools would lead inevitably to home economics classes in Dundee talking of "Pez", and technology students in Glasgow "pure hunners o pixels, man".


There's no denying that languages evolve, but the prime objective of language is communication; if Scotland wants to look forward rather than backwards, outwards rather than inwards, we should be looking at establishing centres of excellence teaching European and far Eastern languages that will help ensure the economic success of Scots and Scotland in the future.


After hearing the announcement  "Awra puntas fae Clarkston git aff the noo, byraway" even the regular punters on the evening train exclaimed "Where's the pride? What kind of impression does that give to tourists? Was that wumman the only wan left in the office?"



Liberals in denial of alcoholic-ism


The addiction to liberal democrats to their alcoholic leader ended abruptly, when they were make to face reality through Kennedy's own admission. Apparently it was fine that for the last year of office he was incapable of doing his job - nobody in the party dared stating the obvious. Illness, overwork, every excuse in the book was used "A tired and emotional Kennedy"- polite BBC jargon for "drunk".


Dropped within a week after finally admitting his problem; thus rendering previous denials dishonest. This misrepresentation of him as a "liar" shows an utter lack of understanding of the problem; an alcoholic will very rarely admit to themselves that they have a problem, so in his own eyes, he wasn't lying. What was the party's excuse for kidding themselves on about his ability to lead?


If he was capable of being the leader while being an active alcoholic, why would he be less capable as a recovering alcoholic? Cowardice on the case of the former silence, or opportunism on the subsequent vilification.



Alcoholic wife beating footballer to be beatified:all the best?


A week's worth of hospital foyer commentary, with nightly reports on the condition of the dying alcoholic; milked by the media, this was never a case of "if" but "when". It is hard to realise who the prolonged reporting of George Best's death actually benefited.


A quasi-state funeral, TV night dedicated to the 60’s footballer, alcoholic, womaniser, wife beater; squanderer of an immense talent, a relationship with his family and a 2nd liver.




Why do we still insist of looking to entertainers for our heroes, icons, "legends" and role models? Aren't there enough people in our midst who are actually worthy of celebration, and don't require excuses to be made for fatal flaws in the ways they treat themselves, or indeed, other people? When will the public realise that using the term "heroic" for playing sport is downright offensive to medics, carers and grafters, not to mention the emergency services and armed forces who risk their lives?


Should we respect someone who had none for himself or his family? Why would anyone NOT want to idolise the current England football captain given how he treats his wife?


What do we learn from George Best and Paul Gascoigne: we'll forgive you for beating your wife if you've got a cheeky smile? For squandering your talent, your life, mistreating yourself and all those around you. Stan Collymore and Geoff Boycott forget it. The public appetite for grief and veneration of media nominated heroes seems insatiable; this maudlin cult of the celebrity …why are we even talking about this waster? Quick; build a fountain for the tears.


The fantasy of living through others 2nd hand existence; taking part in any number of sports gives a far more satisfaction than being an armchair fan; coveting the glory of the team, the extensive knowledge of obscure facts or that they saw so-and-so play back in the day.


Being a talented sportsman not entitle glory being attached to such a misguided melancholic misadventurer. Entertainers have their place, but it would be nicer to see people take more of an interest in themselves and those around them. Is it enough? Venerable? Maybe not for those with a more serious perspective, or a more active existence (i.e. a set of life skills they wouldn't swap with certain heroes.)


On the same day that the papers had cover stories about violence against women there are so many apologists for Best's behaviour; and casting aspersions on his wife. Perhaps she did trade on the Best name, but perhaps she considered it appropriate compensation for the abuse suffered.

Terrorism pragmatism and peace: Justice for Irish "freedom fighters"?

The government finally takes pragmatic action to resolve an conflict which has cost more lives than Iraq. Well, more lives that the government is interested in - British ones.


When making this unpalatable decision to free Irish terrorists to appease Sinn Fein, the public were reminded to remember the victims and  importance of avoiding any further causalities. Remembrance of terrorist victims? Did they do it for Irish terrorist victims? Any citizen murdered for a cause? The threat of terrorism: "Organized, de-centralised; it's everywhere, it's nowhere. You don't know it's there, you can't be sure it's gone.


The failure to address foreign policy with the same sense of realism is double standard not easily explained; the necessary evil, nobody wants to spell that out; sometimes terrorists have semi-legitimate grievances and that terrorist action can achieve something. Better gloss over it, and say that this was reached through debate and compromise, the removal of "all the hidden guns" had to be an issue taken on the trust of criminals. The clincher of the deal to let some of these murderers back onto the communities to deal drugs, rob banks, and do whatever it is they do when not conducting their ungodly hobbies. A concession that gives credence to the idea that the terrorists were waging some kind of legitimate war...which, considering the number of civilians targeted, seems irrational to say the least.


Faith in winning the lottery.


Is the lottery analogous to a religion with odds ascribed to the chance of "going to heaven". Is buying a ticket akin to "having faith”; ignoring the statistical unlikelihood while making the donation to church? (If you don't buy a ticket, you can't win, and the 'lottery god' of fate will punish you if you stop paying homage.)


Is this an empowerment for the few, or, like many devisors’ of religion say; a disempowering distraction from the real & tangible ways of achieving happiness & security in life, without reliance on "hope" of escape? Would it be more pertinent to ask what could be done *without* the lottery win? A valuable "opiate for the masses" or a state approved form of controlling expectations (whilst tax collecting)?


Getting hit by lightening is very much like winning the lottery; you're not likely to go back to work. In Glasgow, you're likely not to be in work next Monday by fortune of our knife crime lotto. If you don't buy a don't delude yourself on about becoming a millionaire.


"I've got the eye of the tiger" ancient Chinese pharmacist's proverb.

Quote from intellectual television documentary


"Stevenson went to California in pursuit of Fanny."

Femynysts gyrls replace mantra with womymtra.



Dinosaur inaccuracies spoil otherwise "realistic" monster movie.


There's no way a Diplodocus could manage to do more than must a walk...what's he doing running; three feet off the ground is an absolute impossibility!!! *Other contentious details such as the presence of humans and giant apes were apparently ok with the amateur palaeontologist attributing them to artistic license.


Grammatical busters state the obvious.

I ain't afraid of no ghosts....well, is anyone really afraid of "no ghosts"?..they're afraid of  "ghosts"!


No ghosts.

Pope cracks his first joke of the 2006th year of our lord.


"We at the Vatican endorse the holiness of gay marriage: provided that it's between a gay man and his gay wife."

Creeps with clipboards foundation report 10% increase in donations.


"As we don't work on commission; you can be sure that 100% of your donation goes to a good cause; in this case: me."

Midget of the year: shortlist released.

Police foil non-existent kidnap plot.


The headlines told of how undercover police bugged a meeting of a breakaway faction of "fathers for justice"; organisation famous for their illegal stunts done to raise awareness of their plight. A police spokesperson told of how their officers had managed to "foil" the shocking conspiracy to kidnap the Prime Minister's youngest child....

but what did they really do? Listening to a marginal group's discussion *then dismissal* of a kidnap idea...which hadn't even reached the "plot" stage;  no arrests were made; as nobody had actually broken any laws. If this constitutes "foiling" a crime, then I'm a veritable Batman!


The headline grabbing status of the story seemed all the more unusual as it came on the day that the Child Support Agency decided to employ external debt collection agencies to chase up non payers. The failures of that particular government agency as broad as they are deep; failing to collect payments from some fathers, grossly overcharging others; it seems that the real issue of the day was again relegated to the middle pages.

Prestwick renames airport to Seychelles West in attempt to drum up new business.


Tommy Sheridan's great new idea...rename Scotland's airports to something more "patriotic" such as Robert Burns international in order to boost Scotland's economy. Never mind confusion to tourists, the cost of re-branding something as complexly involved in computer systems here and abroad...which would run into millions. Glasgow renames airport to James Krankie International, complete with a rainbow flag flying proudly above it.

Electronic trends branded "trend-e" by soon to be un-e-mployed ex-ecutive.


  © Copyright 2006, Del on earth

Opinions expressed here are not meant to be taken too seriously.


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