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Console Commands

To practice solo:


Start AA

Hit the "~" or TAB

Type "start fls" (To load a map)

(bridge, fls, hq_raid, insurgent_camp, jrtc_farm, mountain_ambush, mountain_pass, mout_mckenna, pipeline, swamp_raid, tunnel, weapons_cache, leavenworth)

Type "playerlock 0" (so player can move)

Type "mpcheat changeclass g" (to change your class)

(Note: Do NOT change class before jumping out of the airplane in airborne missions.)

g - M16A2/M203
r - M16A2
s - M82
s24 - M24
ar - M249
m4a1 - M4A1
m4a1auto - Ranger M4A1
ak - AK47
ak74su - AK74
gp -AK w/ launcher
rpk - RPK Light Machine Gun
svd - Dragunov sniper rifle
mos - Mosin-nagant sniper rifle
sl - Squad Leader
ft - Fireteam Leader
rct - recruit (no weapons)

fov X (FOV 90 is default) - To change field of view
slomo X (SLOMO 1 is default) - To change timerate
playersonly - freezes effects, useful for freezing gunfire at height of muzzle flash
setspeed X (1 is default) - To change player speed
setjumpz X (325 is default) - To change player jump
mpcheat god - To get god mode
mpcheat ghost - To get ghost mode
mpcheat nvg - To get night vision goggles
mpcheat freecamera 1 - 3rd person, independently rotating camera
fly - To fly
walk - To walk again (This screws up jumping, opening doors, etc.)
behindview 1/0 - For 3rd person
suicide - To kill yourself

For practice dummies:
summon agp_characters.npc_airborneinstructor
summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserver
summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserverfemale
summon agp_characters.npc_flightcrew (Superman!)
summon agp_characters.npc_airbornesoldier

killpawns - To remove all practice dummies type

I suggest binding your practice dummies to a key. To do so, open User.ini and change one of the keys to something like:

7=summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserver

Save and then when solo, hit "7" key to make practice dummies. Note that dummies won't spawn if there isn't room for them in the space you're trying to put them. Also, a dummy's arms are straight out until they take damage. Be sure to backup User.ini before editing.

Additional summon characters:

summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_M67Frag
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_M83Smoke
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_Flashbang
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_40G_1 ; 40mm grenades
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_556_30 ; M4/16 ammo
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_556_200 ; M249 ammo
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_762_5 ; M24/MOS ammo
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_127_10 ; M82/SVD ammo (no graphic)
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_30G_1 ; GP30 ammo (no graphic)

summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM82
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupRPK
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM4A1
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM4A1auto
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM249
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM24
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM203
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM16A2
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupGP30
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupAK74su
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupAK47
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupMosinNagant
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupSVD

show fog - To turn off fog ("show x" to turn any on again)
show coronas - To turn off lights
show particles - To turn off particles (i.e. smoke)
show projectors - To turn off damage skins, shadows, etc.
show radii - To show hit radii for grenades?
show sky - To turn off sky
show staticmeshes - To turn off objects
show terrain - To turn off terrain.

stat fps - Provides frames per second
stat net - Provides connection info
stat game - Provides performance timings in milliseconds
stat render - Provides rendering information
stat hardware - Provides in-depth modeling info
stat all - Provides large amounts of game info
stat none - Shuts stat info off

rmode X (1-9)

1) Wireframe
2) Blue surfaces
3) Pastel surfaces
4) White surfaces
5) Standard
6) More intense
7) No textures
8) Solarized
9) Much more intense

flush - Clears out graphics memory
getres - Tells screen resolution and color depth
memstat - Memory statistics
agphud 0/1 - Hides/shows HUD (Works in multiplayer)
open - Join a server directly through IP
reconnect - Rejoin server (useful if you killed yourself on single...)
disconnect - Leave server
exit - exit to desktop
quit - exit to desktop

To practice MILES maps in single player with live weapons, backup your Armyops.ini file and change the following:

ForceGameplay=FORCE_Normal // Change from FORCE_None

Contact Info

E-mail: [email protected]

IRC Server:

IRC Channel: #DW (download mIRC from our download section)


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