
This site uses no fewer than 40% post-consumer electrons. 

No animals were harmed in the production of this site. 

This site has been Braille-enhanced for the visually impaired. 

To enhance your viewing pleasure, please focus as many eyes as you can on the screen. (At least one.) 

Don't pick at it, it'll only get worse.

A picture is worth a thousand words. That's why it takes so long to download these pages.

This site is a work of fiction. If you have any complaints about the scientific veracity of this site, submit them to the Fictional Complaint Department.

If you can't shift your paradigm, you'll trip over it!

Ignore the rabbit!

It's only a hallucination!

No, really!


- - -

Oh, all right! Just how long DID it take you to find him?

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The Alpha Quadrant Institute of Technology

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