Legalese (or "The Obligatory Paranoid Statement". You decide!):

This site contains images and words produced by myself and others. The original copyright/trademark holders do not relinquish rights to intellectual property displayed at this site. Star Trek is copyrighted by Paramount Pictures and Viacom. All use of copyrighted materials at this site is for entertainment or educational purposes only, made freely available at no charge. If you want to use anything you find on this site, just ask. Permission will be given so long as you agree to:

a) Give credit to the originator of the words and/or images you use, and
b) Charge absolutely nothing to others who want to view the images, read the words, etc.
If you don't heed the above disclaimer, beware the legal consequences! According to rumor, Paramount has all the lawyers in the world, and I will cheerfully sell you out to save my own skin.


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