The A-Team Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can I find A-Team merchandise?

In its day the A-Team brand name was applied to almost anything and everything you could possably think of including action figures of the characters, as well as the famous van and car, underwear, toiletries, fancy dress kits, Annuals, colouring books, Sticker Annual, Scratch 'n' Sniff, Board Games, clocks, air fresheners and even A cola flavored popsicle in the shape of Mr. T was also on the market at the show's height. Marvel Comics even produced a three issue A-Team comic book series. Similarly, here in the UK, we had an A-Team comic strip which appeared for several years in the 1980s as part of television Look-In Annuals, to tie in with the British run of the series. It was preceded, though, by a short run in the final year (1984) of TV Comic, drawn by Jim Eldridge. A View-Master A-Team gift set, with 3-D viewer and 3 reels containing 21 3-D pictures of the A-Team episode "When You Comin' Back, Range Rider?", was also produced by View-Master International.

More recently Mr. T has also appeared in his own comic books with a Mr. T graphic novel, released worldwide in summer 2008, preceded by a Limited Advance Edition launched in February 2008. Surprisingly even today there is still a market for A-Team merchandise and thanks to small amount of company's you can get your hands on things like Corgi scale models, keyrings and even a Radio controlled A-Team Van, but most of whats available thought is either clothing or Mr. T oriented stuff. For more information on the items available and where to buy them from check out my merchandise section of the site.

If your someone that would rather collect the original merchandise then the best places to find stuff is at Media Conventions, collectible toy fairs, trade shows and from private collectors on the Internet such as newsgroups like, rec.collecting, and online auction houses like eBay, It's also worth looking at as they occasionly list second hand items for sale. There is also a monthly magazine "Toy Collector" published by QM4G Media which covers antique, vintage and contemporary toys for more information and free downloadable PDF back issues check out there website. Another good place to look for stuff is in your loacl second hand/charity shops, car boot sales and flea markets I've I had quite abit of success with these types of sellers.

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