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    This area includes a selection of links that I believe may be of interest to Harry Potter fans, mainly with regard to other works of literature. Look around, you're bound to find something you'll enjoy! (And if you have a link to suggest, for books that I have here, or books you think I should read, email me!

      J.R.R.Tolkien - Okay, you've either already read The Lord of the Rings, or you should read it! Really, Tolkien is a magnificent author. If you're a young-one looking into more challenging reads, or an old-one seeking adventure, you can't go wrong with Tolkien! The One Ring is a lovely site with info encompassing many facets of LoTR. But don't forget to read The Hobbit -- you may want to read it first anyway! Don't miss The Tolkien Society and their great links page.

      Lewis Carroll - Okay, so why should HP fans read Charles Dodgson's (ahem, Lewis Carroll's) works? They're just about the most marvelous, ingenious stories you'll ever read -- and they aren't daunting in length! Full of clever word play and fantastic creatures. Don't miss out, read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for starters. Maybe you'll be able to find out why a raven is like a writing desk.

      C.S. Lewis - His Narnia series have always been among my favorites. If you spend time reading these, you won't regret it. The question, which book should one start reading of the seven? I know I read The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe first, but in re-reads, I always start with The Magician's Nephew. Maybe, created by HarperCollins (Publisher) will help you decide!

      The Golden Leaf Inn - This is a great club and info site about Brian Jacques' Redwall books. If you're interested in fantasy novels, I'd recommend the books and this site! Or go to the Official Site. - Have you heard the sad tales of the Baudelaire orphans? Really, it's much too depressing for me to mention on my lighthearted and carefree sight. And I won't be held responsible is you actually read Mr. Snicket's accounts of the orphans and their involvement in A Series of Unfortunate Events.

      The Neverending Story - This book by Michael Ende is WAY better than the movie, get a hold of one of the books with red and green text for a complete reading experience. (Of course, I'm sure it's equally good in black and white, but there's just something magical about the changing ink color.)

      The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle's novel The Last Unicorn is just a delight. You may already know of it from the animated movie, but trust me, you really ought to read the book.

Sarah McFalls, CarpeSaponem 2001-02.
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