Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quotes

The Mooninites

Ignignot: Hello, Carl, I am Ignignot, and this is Ur.
Ur: I am Ur!
Ignignot: We are Mooninites from the inner core of the Moon.
Ur: You said it right!
Ignignot: Our race is hundreds of years beyond yours.
Ur: Man, you hear what he's sayin'?
Ignignot: Some would say that the Earth is *our* moon.
Ur: *We're* the Moon!
Ignignot: But that would belittle the name of our Moon, which is the Moon.
Ur: Point is, we're at the center, not you!
Carl: No, the real point is I don't give a damn. (slams door)
Ignignot: Is your ego satisfied?
Ur: Damn no!

Shake: Look it's just until this ear infction clears up. Then I'll be able to go back to work again.
Meatwad: Yeah, well, I don't see no ears.
Shake: Well you are about not to have a mouth, and I mean it! I'll rip it off!

Ur: Man, that pool is bitchin'!
Ignignot: Where shall I place this wet, primitive Earth towel?

Ignignot: You and your third dimension.
Frylock: What about it?
Ignignot: Oh nothing, it's cute. We have five.
Ur: Th-thousand.
Ignignot: Yes, five thousand.
Ur: Don't question it!
Frylock: Oh yeah? Well, I only see two.
Ignignot: Well that sounds like a personal problem.

Ignignot: Using a key to gouge expletives on another's vehicle is a sign of trust and friendship.

Ur: On the Moon, nerds get their pants pulled down and they are spanked with Moonrocks.

Ignignot: Let us leave this primitive rock because there's nothing but cavemen here.
Ur: Say goodbye, cavemen. Go beat rocks together, you sissies! Freakin' nerds!



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