Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quotes



Shake: Someone stole my PDA, and I WILL RUIN THIS HOUSE WITH MY ANGER!!

Shake: Why don't you go check the gutters.
Frylock: Why would it be up in the gutters, Shake?
Shake: That's where your DVD burner ended up, when it decided not to work.
Frylock: Oh, I damn sure better not find that up there.
Shake: Well that's the last place I remember chucking it.

Captain: I chased them off with my nudity. Does that arouse anyone down there?

Meatwad: Hey, how do I know if I'm aroused?

Romulox: Look, I'm better than you, okay? I just am.
Shake: Whoa, that's cool. What's that?
Romulox: What's it look like, dude? It's a grappling hook. Where you been, man?
Meatwad: What's wrong with your elbow?
Romulox: Oh, you didn't get that surgery. I'm sorry.
Meatwad: We don't have insurance.
Romulox: Only two people in the world have the Easy-Flow Elbow, and one of them happens to be named Bruce Willis.




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