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Monica Korycinska

biography of Monica Korycinksa









Monica Korycinska describes herself as being born

in Warsaw, Poland in 1977 in addition saying she came

to Germany when she was 11 years old. 2005 I

graduated as translator at the University of the Saarland,

Germany. “ before adding “Last year my partner and I set

up our own business: an online translation service.

EnergyTranslations – Where Quality has no Limits.”


Monica says she wrote her first poem when she was 14 years

but in her own words didn’t keep it up for a long time but

began to write more frequently about 7 years ago.


Monica also adds “ I write by inspiration, after having listened

to a song or after having read a book that captured me… But

sometimes small, apparently insignificant things inspire me, like

a reflection of raindrops in the light of a torch, an odd sound in

an old house or just an extraordinarily smelling flower, a

thought that came to my mind, a word spoken by some

lips…Sometimes I like to express the “dark” feelings in my

poems, letting the ugliness go, to philosophize about God,

the world and me fitting or not into this concept. Other times

I love to write about the beauty of the world, people, love…”


Monica also adds in “December 2006 some of my poetry

was published in: “World's Strand. An international

anthology of poetry”, Mandelbachtal/Cambridge:

edition cicero, 2006, ISBN 3-934285-55-4.”


She also adds in relations to influences and interests

as “I love traveling. If I could I would spend my whole life

traveling all over the world and writing poetry and short stories

about every country and town I’ve been to and people I met.

In between I would read all works by my favorite writers like

Gabriel García Márquez, Pablo Neruda, Miguel Angel Asturias,

Marcel Proust, Mario Vargas Llosa, Henry Miller, Truman Capote,

Alejo Carpentier, Isabel Allende… My other interests and

passions are music (especially Latin American music),

quantum theory and astrophysics.”


She also says in relation to her poetry when she was

9 years old “ I realized for the first time the beauty of the

world around me. It was in a summer camp when I used to

go in my childhood. Back then I couldn’t put this beauty

into words. I think I couldn’t even fully grasp it or organize

my emotions into thoughts. I just remember standing there,

a French love song in the background, and wondering how

amazing everything was. I just couldn’t stop wondering

about this peculiarity of the world as it appeared to me then.

At that moment something moved and changed inside me.

And from that moment on I sometimes find myself in

those strange, weird, odd, uncommon states of mind when my

poetry is born. It’s like hearing a voice from within.

Sometimes it comes through, sometimes it doesn’t. “


For further information – she can be contacted

on her email address which is


[email protected]




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