Welcome to Kalimpong ~~~ West Bengal, India.

Once a vital trading route to Tibet, today Kalimpong is an important link to the Indian Military chain of defenses set up along the border with China. This region went through a decade or so of political tensions which now seems to be finally over allowing it to return to its once peaceful state. After being closed for several decades to foreigners the Central Government has recently opened the region to tourists once again. This has also allowed the local Government to start sprucing up the town. Unfortunately in the mid-nineties disaster struck once again as two huge fires swept through the center of town wiping out whole blocks of buildings. The citizens have rallied together and are valiantly attempting to put the town back on its feet with the limited resources available.

Like her sister-city, Darjeeling, Kalimpong also sits on a ridge, although at a slightly lower altitude, enjoying the best of both worlds. Citizens enjoy the breathtaking view of the mountains along with very mild weather during the months of December and January.

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Updated: 2001-03-26
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