Most visitors travelling to Kathmandu for the first time arrive by air. The Kathmandu International Airport will be their entry point. Daily bus services to and from the Indian border towns are available. Charter buses are also available from the major Indian cities, but you must book a seat in advance.

Kathmandu International Airport.

Air Services - International

Air Services - Domestic

Transportation - Other


Interests [Kathmandu Page]

Kathmandu International Airport.

The Tribhuvan Airport is serviced by many International Airlines. The Royal Nepalese Airlines connects Kathmandu to many neighbouring countries. Because of the High Mountains surrounding the airport night landing is not normally scheduled.

On arrival, taxis are available outside the airport terminal. A hotel transfer vehicle may also be available but check out the fare before boarding it.

For flight details contact your local Travel Agent.

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Air Services - International.

The Royal Nepalese Airlines

Kathmandu - Delhi - Bangkok - Hong Kong -

Bangla Desh Airlines.

Dacca - Kathmandu

Indian Airlines

Delhi - Calcutta - Patna - Gauhati - Kathmandu

Thai International

Bangkok - Kathmandu

Singapore Airlines.

Singapore - Dacca - Kathmandu

Pakistan International Airlines

Karachi - Kathmandu

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Air Services - Domestic.

There are several daily air services and charters to other Nepalese Cities and out posts. Notably the ever-popular early morning "Mountain Flight" which takes tourists on a jaunt over the highest mountains in the world.

Kathmandu : Pokhara - Simra - Lukla - Biratnagar.

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Transportation - Other.

Bus Service - Daily:


Taxis are available at the local Travel Agency.

Trucks will take passengers looking for economy travel - non-scheduled.

Bus, taxi or truck services are available for travel to other domestic locations.

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Charter buses take you to Lhasa, TIBET. To ensure a seat on one of these tours it is advisable to book in advance from your home country in order to have your visa requirements confirmed before the actual date of departure.

Local travel agencies can arrange excursions to SIKKIM, BHUTAN or Darjeeling. Before you purchase any of these packages make sure that you have the necessary documents. Because of the close proximity of Pakistan and China, these areas could become sensitive and 'out of bounds' for foreigners in a matter of days.

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One of the reasons visitors come to Nepal is to view the Himalayan Mountain Range. Any method of travel you choose will give you the opportunity to catch a glimpse of this thrilling sight. Also keep a look out for all sorts of wild life. The red flowers of the "Rhododendron" trees dot the hillsides along with the sweet scented orchids.

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Updated: 2001-03-24


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