GMS - Save the Hills appeal!

How long can we continue mistreating this beautiful planet we live in before we reach the point of no return? Nelson believes we can make a difference. Let's support him on his crusade to turn the Kurseong Hills GREEN again. [Return]

Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 16:44:25 +0530

From: "NELSON" <[email protected]>

To: Johnk <[email protected]>

As you might have heard I am very much active in the environment and animal rights. I've made an appeal to all Victoria School & Dowhill guys and gals to save the hills in and around these two schools.

What was once a beautiful pine covered mountain range is today nothing but a bare ridge shorn of all the magnificent forests. For the information of the GMS guys, the area above the school, the Woodcot area at Sepoydhura and the St. Mary's ridge are all devoid of forests. Because of this massive deforestation, the inhabitants of Kurseong and Darjeeling are paying for it - the curse: there's no water at all. The artificial lakes at Senchal have all but dried up. Water is being sold in these towns at more than $1 US a bucket. People are carrying water to the town in trucks loaded with 500-liter plastic containers. They go twenty or thirty kilometers out just to find water sources. I don't think you'd remember facing such water crisis ever when you were in school or college. Furthermore it is the beginning of summer. We've had no rains and the people are expecting much worse.

My organization is called People for Animals, and what we'd like to do is to try and reforest the mountains. We are also hoping to approach "The Worldwide Fund for Nature", India for assistance to rehabilitate the Himalayan Black Bear in these parts.

For both these two projects I shall appeal to you and to the GMS alumni to contribute to this worthy cause. After all, when you have spent the best years of your life in these beautiful mountains and enjoyed the beauty and grandeur of the magnificent pine trees, would it be asking for much if each of one of us contributed a little to help the mountains of the hills to regain their lost splendor?

I've been getting some positive responses from the VS guys. One in particular, Mr. Sam Parry has even promised to make arrangements with his publishers to send the royalties of the books that he has written to the above named organization. I really felt encouraged by his response.

Well, I'm sure GMS guys will not let me down. Each contribution of at least $ 25 US to this project would go a long way to rejuvenate the hills. Contributions can be sent by checks in favour of:

PEOPLE FOR ANIMALS, Siliguri Chapter.

The address for correspondence is:


People for Animals, Siliguri Chapter,


Mahbert Building,

George Mahbert Road,

Siliguri - 734 401

West Bengal, INDIA.

My telephone number is: 091- 0353 - 516611.

Do pass on this message Johnny to all GMS guys and I'm sure they will do their bit in helping to save the beautiful hills. I am sure that you also will agree with me.

Nelson Petrie.

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Updated: 2001-04-07

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