Is there a Creatures 2 demo available? :

As far as we know the demo for Creatures2 is no longer available. From what we understand there was a beta test/demo available to a limited amount of people some time ago long before C2's release but we do not know of anyone who has it. We recommend that you go to your nearest Computer City, Comp USA or whatever ritzy computer store is in your area and request that you try out the software. In most cases they already have a package open in the back room and will be more than happy to let you. If all dignified ploys fail go to the "kiddy section" of the store, most stores have 4-5 computers for the kids to play on while their parents are shopping and you can almost always find a demo type of creatures there.

I can't find the new injector kit, where in the heck is it?

You can get the new injector kit on the CyberLife web site. It is one of the updates that comes in Object Pack 1. You can also download it by going to the cobs section of this site. Many people spend needless hours looking for this cob only to find out they already have it installed!

What is a cob?:

It is the short form for Creatures Objects. They may be found at many Creatures1 and Creatures2 websites. The downloads are usually free. Inject these into Albia for your creatures' use.

Where can I learn how to make cobs?

You can find tuitorials on many websites. According to one our posters, Norn Underground ( by Lummox Jr or Spirit's Creatures Shack ( ) are good places to start. Celeste offers a doc on basic food for those of you who find the others to difficult, (many thanks to her teacher ;) )

My cobs are not appearing in my injector :

What you need to do is unzip the file that you downloaded fom the internet using "WinZip" (PKUNZIP does not work with all cob files)

files that have a .gen go in the genetics folder
files that have a .wav go in the sounds folder
files that have a .cob go in the objects folder
files that have a .s16 go in the images folder
of your C2 GAME!!


(Although some people may tell you that it is not necessary to shut down your game to install new cobs, many people in both our e-group and those who have asked for help via email have experienced errors when their game was not shut down first) If you chose to chance it, you should know that your new cobs will not show up in the object injector until the injector applet is closed and then reopened.
Sometimes when you inject the item the image will look really crappy, if this occurs it means that the image is in another format that you computer is not currently using. There are two different forms of .s16 files 555 and 556. Close down your Game, should be able to find a folder called "ALT" or "alt images" in the file you just unzipped. Take the "name.s16" file out of that folder and copy it over the current "name.s16" file that you just put in the images folder of the game. If there is no alt image then you will need to use bmp.s16 to convert the image to the proper format.

My cobs still will not appear in the agent injector !

If you are receiving the message "name.cob" is not a C2 cob, your problem is clear. You must have put some Creatures 1 cobs into your Creatures2 game files. C1 cobs just are not compatible with the C2 game. You must remove them before any of your C2 cobs will begin to appear in the agent injector. You can also try using the C2 Cob converter to change the cobs and make them suitable for Creatures2. You can find the programs needed at CDR: Creature Developers Resource. ( ) Many thanks to Chris Double for making these programs FREE to the creatures players of the world.

I installed a cob and my game crashed !

This can happen a number of ways :

1) The cob did not contain all the necessary files.
2) Two cob authors are using the same script numbers.
3) You have just injected a C1 cob into your C2 game.

What are the cheats available for Creatures 2:

Blueberry Cheat
Coconut Grove Cheat
No CD Cheat
The Cheat Machine

Cheat Machine Problems?:

The free version of the Cheat machine does not come with directions. We have emailed the author and there are none available.

What is the Coconut Grove Cheat ?

The Coconut Grove Cheat opens up a completely blank world. (there is no hatchery)

What is the Blueberry Cheat ?

The Blueberry Cheat opens up your World.sfc

What if I have made a complete mess of my world?

What you will need to do is open the world named eden.sfc this is the original world that you started off with when you first got Creatures2.

How do I Change the Maxamum Number of Norns ?:

MadFish says:
Step 1 - Double click Regedit to open it
Step 2 - Double click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Step 3- Double click SOFTWARE
Step 4- Double Click Cyberlife Technology
Step 5- Double click Creatures 2
Step 6 - Click once on 1.0
Step 7 - Click once on MaxNorns
Step 8 - Open the edit menu and select modify
Step 9 - Replace the hexadecimal value with another one

How do I Turn Off The CD Check :

MadFish says:
Step 1 - Double click Regedit to open it
Step 2 - Double click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Step 3- Double click SOFTWARE
Step 4- Double Click Cyberlife Technology
Step 5- Double click Creatures 2
Step 6 - Click once on 1.0
Step 7 - Open the edit menu and select New and String Value
Step 8- Name the new value No CD-ROM needed

How do I import a creature ? :

Use Win Zip to unzip your file so you can see a file called name.EXE . This is a creature, import him/her into your Albia by going to file and then clicking import. Go to where ever you have this file and click on the file name. Your new little one should appear near the hatchery!

Whenever I try to download a creature, I am told to choose an application or save it as a file. So what do I pick?

Pick "save it as a file" and save it in a seperate folder, then when you unzip them, you can unzip into your Creatures directory.

Some strange things happen if you have exactly the same creature with different names in your folder or if a folder from a norn saved from your previous world is being used to save norns from a new world after reinstalling Creatures. It might even crash your game, so it's safer to use another folder.

Norn Converter??? Does this mean that I could download Creatures 1 Norns and they would be automatically converted into Creatures 2 Norns?

Yes, Creatures 2 comes with a Norn-Converter (Norn-verter). However, you must use the norn converter before you import any downloaded C1 creature. For the most part they will be able to function in C2 just as they did in C1.

*NOTE* That C2 strips them of all mutations, so your basically starting with a C1 hatchery norn.

They are seeing "stars":

Your creature is now unconcious and is nearing death. It has been our experience that once stars appear over the head of a creature the possiblity of reanimation is slim to none. However you can attempt reanimation by opening your science kit and injecting defibulant into the dying creature.

What to do about Floating Dead Creatures: ?

There is a remover, I believe its located in object pack one, on the CyberLife site or you can get it here in the cob section of this site. When installed it removes the dead critter from your world. Another way to remove dead creatures is to use the email option and email the creature to yourself.

My Mernorns and Gill Norns always die soon after they are imported, why?

Gill norns and adult Mernorns need to be in the water to breathe. If they're not taken directly into the water upon importation, they will die. Infant Mernorns can not breathe in the water, the must stay onland and it would be wise to treat them like any other norn. Child and adolescent Mernorns as well as Amphibinorns, can breathe both in the water and out so they can pretty much go anywhere with out you having to worry. If for some reason your underwater creatures experience a problem breathing there is a fix for the difficulty that can be found on Lis Morris's site. J You can find mernorns on Lis Morris's Site "The Palace of the Evil Shee and Wafuru's site Adventures in Nornsitting. Amphibinorns can be found at Frimlins site. You can find links to all three sites in the links section of this site.

How can I get my creatures to explore Albia?

You can start by sending them up in the elevator into the desert, and then use the "pushing hand" to encourage them forward. Be careful that they do not jump into the sea and drown themselves, as this often happens the first time round. Make sure that there's food and drink wherever they go. You can get some food vendors or drink machines for this purpose. Those can be found on this site in the cob section.

What are those brown creatures walking around Albia?

Those are doozers, you should not remove them. When you press (left click) on a doozer, he'll say an english word and will also teach them to your norns, ("badplant", "Grendel" "detritus" "incubator" etc... very useful!) You can try picking them up, by hand, clicking their beak, and dropping them in front of your creatures to see what words they learn.

My creatures love the water but they can't swim:

Inject a few puffer fish into your Albia, they will help stop the drowning but are not fool proof...(you can download the scarlet puffer from the cob section of this site, many thanks to Spirit for allowing me to post them.) The Scarlet Puffer help with drowning. They inject fear into the creature when they jump into the water and so they soon learn not to do it again...You can also inject electric gates into your Albia this solves the problem until your creature learns to shut it off or find a way around them. NOTE do not inject the scarlet puffer if you have water creatures in your Albia!

Help me feed the Creatures:

Creatures get hungry rather quickly, and getting your creatures to eat can be a difficult task. Even though they know they are supposed to eat. Try bringing the food/fruit directly to them and saying (name) eat food or fruit depending on what the object is. If you have not yet done so go to the cyber-life site and download the genome update. ( To get to this update go to the CyberLife site and then go to "FREE STUFF", you should find it with no problems, but if you can't we will send it to you.) Also, when your creatures hatch tickle them furiously, really get their attention! After they focus on you take them to learn their words. (Note it is always easier to teach your creatures on a one on one basis. Creatures tend to get distracted if there are a lot of other things occurring at the same time) When they have an understanding of food, get and eat, you should tell them to "get food". Every time the creature moves closer to the food, reward him. Eventually he should be right on top on the food, so tell the creature to eat food and soon as he picks it up reward him and reward him feverishly every time he eats. This will insure good eating habits and if your creatures are like ours, they will turn out to be pigs.

You should also make sure you get the "shroom cob" from the cob section of this site (many thanks to Jay D. for allowing us to post this cob) most of the time even the most stubborn creature will eat that without being told. After introducing them to eating what you should do is try to teach by example, press the venders and see if you can get them to copy you by pressing the venders too. Every time they press a vender give them heavy reward *TICKLE * TICKLE*. Pretty soon you'll have enough time in between freaking out over one of your creatures habits to chat on ICQ and even take care of multiple critters! This is not to say every creature is easy, some creatures you just have to spend huge amounts of time with and they may never learn to eat on there own, *THEY ARE SPECIAL* and need special care. When you get a creature like this it may be better to export him until you get a better handle on the game.

One of our frequent posters recommends giving your creatures chicken soup when they are being stubborn eaters. She says Creatures prefer chicken soup over most foods in Albia. (many thanks to Lummox jr. for making this cob and allowing us to post it on this site. ) A *note* on chicken soup, from Annette. About the Chicken Soup cob... IT IS true that the little scamps love it, but you may find them fighting over the bowl too! So, be careful about injecting it around the others, the norn it was meant for might never get at it! I had to remove it to get them to eat, sleep, otherwise, they'll keep at it for hours.

Every time they eat the symbol in the corner says they are suffocating :

If you get the suffocating symbol just after your creature has eaten, it is choking, hit it over the back like you would do if you were punishing it, and that should solve the problem by dislodging any stuck food.

How do I get my creatures to sleep? :

In our opinion you should make sure there is nothing to distract them (ex. The hand, other creatures, or Albian critters). Let them stay asleep as long as they desire. Never wake your creatures up. Not getting enough sleep can disrupt your creatures normal stages of development. If you do not want the hassle of fighting with your creatures to sleep you may also use the chemicals in the advanced science kit (sleep decrease) or one of the many power up cobs created by that brilliant cob author Spirit (the Armadillo or the Pegasus cob). You should also reward your creatures for sleeping immediatly after they wake up. If you tickle them while they are sleeping they will often wake before they should.

One of our frequent posters tells us they have discovered a handy trick that helps get creatures to sleep. This is his advice: When they are young, keep a close eye on them, whenever they fall asleep, tickle them non-stop and without break. This encourages creatures to sleep longer.

How do I get the lift to work?

1) The lift can be operated by pressing on the green buttons located on its right side. If you want the lift to move immediatly, you will have to wait until the lift has reached the floor, otherwise it'll take some time to move. The door to the lift does not open, just wait until a creature is in front of the lift, press the button of the floor you want it to go, and the creature will automatically be placed inside it.

What the heck is that floating circle and what do I do with it ? :

The floating circles or coins are called implements, they activate the different applets in albia. You (as the hand) can not get the implements to activate your applets, your creatures must get them. To get them to grab the implement do the same thing you do with food, reward them everytime they get close to it and repeat "get implement"... be careful they are not looking at themselves in creature view however, or they will start believing their name is implement! Remember, you can not get your applets ...the creatures must do it ...when your creatures hatch make sure you teach them the words "get" and "implement" they are very essential to making your applets work with out using the cheats! When your creature is near an implement tell your creatures to "get implement" and whenever he/she moves closer to it reward him/her repeating "get implement". Eventually the creature will grab the implement and it will be displayed on your tool bar. Now some people do not agree with the repeating part of this, but we find it gets the creatures to do exactly what we want them too (well at least for the most part.) There is a much easier way, although using cheats is really the easiest way out of any difficulty in C2. To use this cheat you have to download the game state controller, which can be found in the object pack 2 at the CyberLife site. Inject the controller and you will be able to use it to access ALL of the available applets.

Or of course you could use this method sent in by one of our posters who did not want to use the cheats but wanted the same effect. The method goes as follows: to get implements you can push a creature in the water then bring it beside the implement. Do not drop the creature just hold him beside the implement until he decides to pick it up. We recommend that you use one of the other methods because throwing your creatures into the water can cause your creatures to experience some damage and they can even become sick enough to die because they were exposed to the water for to long. You should also know that when using this option you can not bring your norn to any part of Albia that your creatures have not visited before. (unless of course you are using a cheat)

How can I get the Science kit so I can save my Creatures:

The science kit is located to the left of the incubator room, to get to the icon (implement) ou'll need to either get your creature to the room below the incubator room and into the elevator to the extreme left, then take the lift up to get to the icon.
go to the open place above the incubator room and into the elevator to the left just before the bridge, then take the lift down to get to the icon.

What is the floating thingy in the bubble room with the venus fly trap? :

When your creature grabs this implement it activates the infinite scroll applet. Now you can view any section of Albia that you wish, it is no longer a requirement for your creatures to have visited there first.

My Creatures are depressed! :

You'll notice a music change when you are close enough to a creature who is currently experiencing some type of difficulty. As soon as the music begins changing, scramble around Albia to find that specific critter. The cause of depression can be a lot of things. It could be boredom, if so get your critter something to play with. It could be that they are stressed, tired, sleepy, hungry, or in pain...check the health kit to see if any of these could be the problem. If your creature is surrounded by a bunch of other critters they could be crowded or if there are no other creatures around it could be the converse, it could be very lonely. To change the chemicals your creature is experiencing you'll need to activate the applets of Albia. However, If you would like to by-pass this option you can get the cheat machine (a link to the site where you can download the cheat machine is located in the utilities section of this site.)

My creatures don't know their words, so they will not listen to me.

One thing that you can do "without cheating" is to get SLINK'S cob known to most Creatures users as teaching books or the encyclopedias. (This cob can be found on this site in the cobs section, many thanks to Slink for allowing me to post it on my site) This will help you teach your creatures what the lift is and will help them learn the words that will ready them for the outside world. If you teach one of your creatures really well, they will teach others. So really spend a lot of time on your first two creatures your time will pay off three fold in the future. (If you want to use a cheat go to the utilities section and download the cheat machine. This machine will give your creatures instant vocabulary.) When you are continuing to train your other creatures make sure there are not a lot of other creatures around, seeing a potential buddy often makes your creatures very distracted.

How do I get rid of that Darn Grendel !

Ridding yourself of the Grendel on a permanent basis can cause serious ecological problems in your Albia in the future. Be aware your Albia was built to be interdependant and ridding yourself of any object permanently breaks down its ecological structure. If you have a Grendel you just don't want hanging around, you have a few options:

1) Export him to your hard drive.
2) Email him to a Grendel lover ( Denise fits this category �you can find her at AGC )
3) Email him to any adoption clinic or web page offering to take your creatures.
4) Select the "Kill Grendel" on the Cheat machine (Not a very nice option!)
5) Select the "Euthanasia" option on the Cheat machine. (again, not a very nice option)

*note* When using any of these five options the removal of the grendel is temperary, aother grendel will soon hatch in its place. We DO NOT recommend deleting your Grendel sprites. Your game may call for them at a time it feels a Grendel should hatch and this will cause an error in your Creatures2 Game. One member of the network has told us that the best way to get rid of the grendel permanently is to replace the gren.gen file with a norn's gen file and you'll hatch lots of male norns of that type.

Why won't they stop hitting each other?

Some creatures will do that. When you find a pair that really do not like each other separate them for a while. If when you bring the Creatures together again they display the same behavior then its probably a good idea to place them at seperate ends of Albia to prevent them from hurting each other.

How early should you begin punishment? :

We normally don't have to spank our creatures till they reach adolescence. They are usually great until then, when they become pig headed. We do spank our creatures when we can not get them to do things. However, we recommend one slap and then repeating the phrase ... NOT PHYSICAL ABUSE. Usually a slap or two is all it will take to get them moving on the right track again.

What do I do with the liquid dispensing machine? and what chemicals are they?

At this time none of the C2WWNW members have that information, there must be people that know, but unfortunatly they are not us, so we just leave that machine alone :(

What can I do with the wine barrels?

If you press the wine barrel all the way to the left and hurry back to the shee statue you will see .. a picture of Toby Simpson the games creator pop up out of the ground :) keep in mind this can be done only once!!!

Is there ANYTHING apart from the lift and the musical instruments that can be interacted with???

All of the Creatures toys, and food objects, as well as the boats and rafts are interactive. You will also find bats , bees, snails and other creatures of albia are moveable :)

Does the huge statue of the Shee serve any purpose?

The shee statue has been known to cause fear in your creatures causing them to be mesermized and no longer eat or sleep, but just to stand there and stare...this can be very dangerous to their health. It is definatly a good idea to avoid spending long periods of time in this area.

Why aren't my creatures fertile:

Numerous posters propose two possibilties

Either your creatures have visited the volcano area to often or their ancestors have been genetically spliced to many times.

None of the females in my Albia are fertile

Try using the advanced science kit to inject oestrogen into your females when they are close to a male. You could try isolating a female with a fertile male before doing the injection. THis betters your chances because creatures can be distracted when they're in a group. As a last resort, you could try downloading some females from the net and hope for the best.

My eggs wont hatch:

It a myth that if the eggs are not large enough they will not hatch. You can put the eggs in the incubator at any stage of there growth. However, your egg will not hatch in the wild once you have touched it with the hand, touching it with the hand puts it in a suspended state, it will never hatch unless you put it in the incubator. (We have also heard from other posters that if another creature touches the egg this will also prevent it from hatching).

Why wont my creatures grow?

Sometimes a creature will be born unique, and you might find a two-tailed creature, a creature who grows old rapidly after a few minutes or with different features. This happens to us and our posters as well, it's nothing to worry about. Most of the creatures will be normal, if born naturally. Other reasons might be because their parents were genetically engineered.

What is a mediabox?

A mediabox is another word for instrument

How do I activate the applet for the gene splicer? :

To get the implement go to the room with the little silver cups to the extreme bottom left of your c2 map. But as we have said before you creature will have to get it ....or of course you could always use a cheat.

How do I turn on the juice to the genetic splicer? :

You have to go to the control room and press the red button on a machine to the left side of the room, press it and the machine should begin to power up. The gadgets will light up indicating that they have power. (The control room is the little dome shaped room with the floating brain, hehe)

How do I use the gene spilcer? :

The genetic splicer is located just above where the Ettins hatch. You can get there by using the transport vehicle in the control room or by using a teleporter. Put your creatures on the little stools and press the green button to trap them there. When you have two creatures trapped there you press the little white dome (the button) to the left of the stools. The lever will turn and the machine will start (make sure you have taken pictures of your creatures before you do this because when you press that button YOU KILL both of the creatures.) After your old creatures disappear go to where the Ettins hatch and your new creature will be there in its egg form. Give it a few seconds and it will hatch with out any interference from the hand.

How can I get the Life Kit add on? :

As far as we know the C2 life kit is not yet available in stores. You may however buy it on the Cyber-Life Web site.

What the heck is that Green Monster doing in the water?

The Albian Seamonster is called a Borland. The Borland will not hurt your Norns or other sea creatures. He will make appearances in Spring and Fall and eat a few of your Zanderfish before returning to his cave.

How do I publish pictures of my norn on my webpage?

First, you must have taken some pictures of your norn using the owners kit, and used the export button to save your file on your hard drive. The file should look like "name.bmp". You will then need to change the bmp file into a .jpg or .gif file because browsers cannot display .bmp graphics. I myself use Microsoft Image Composer for this, but you can find other programs that will do this as well . Finally, you upload the new "name.jpg" or .gif file and write the HTML for it. If you do not have the patience to wait for your norn to pose properly for you, you may try using Norn Pose by Lummox Jr to edit your pictures. This can be found at the Norn Underground ( the Utilities section. (Many thanks to Lummox Jr for producing such a useful program!)

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