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Honma G-Iron

�س�ժش���� Honma Gooseneck iron �����ѧ
The Goose-neck Iron

Hitting your 2,3 and 4 long irons as easily as your 5 iron

With the goose-neck and shaft differences, make the ball fly. Two new designs to change golf in a gentle way
In order to make the long irons smoother and the short Irons more controllable, Honma has given these clubs a deeper cavity than conventional clubs and adopted face progression designs where the angle of the goose-neck slightly differs for each club. The long Irons have been given a strong goose-neck that enables you to better address the ball and the middle irons have a semi goose-neck allowing you to aim right at the target with ease. The short irons not only have a semi goose-neck design that gives ball control as before but have also been designed with straighter faces. A kickpoint design (ST System) has also been used on the shafts. Low kickpoint (Type-S) and high kickpoint (Type T) clubs are available with the kickpoints set at the ideal position for each club. This new G-iron range gives a more relaxed performance due to the multiplier effects of the specially designed head and shafts. More excellence, only from Honma.
Honma G-irons with larger head, wider cavity areas and ultra-low cernter of gravity wide sweet areas. The long irons have been given a strong goose neck that enables you to better address the ball and the middle irons have a semi-goose neck allowing you to aim right at the target. the wide camber soles allow you to play out of rough and divots with ease and the shafts designs have adopted the "ST System"
Face progression flow designed "G" long, middle and short irons where the goose angle changes according to the club. The long irons have a larger sweet area and a camber sole without loosing any sensisstivity. With their low center of gravity, the ball rises easily meaning there is no loss of direction or distance even with slight miss-hits. The shafts untilize the "ST-System"
Hiro Honma LB-280 G New H&F
Hiro Honma LB-606 G New H&F
 SHAFT (ST System)
Super Light Titanium Carbon (Type-S/T)
Super Ferrite Carbon Light (Type-S/T)
Feather Weight Titanium Carbon (Type-S/T)

5S (K24 Gold Design)
4S (K18 Metal Design)
3S (K14 Metal Design)
2S (GNi Design)
1S (Black cloisonne Design)

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