History of The Orphanage Home Taman Baiduri Dengkil

Taman Baiduri Raym establishment is through the sharing of experience and energy of six volunteers who had been active in several organizations, orphanages and other social agencies. During volunteering, the main problems detected in the homes of orphans are related to the limited space and management system appropriate children. Based here, we joined forces to help reduce congestion in the homes of children orphaned by establishing Taman Baiduri Raym concept of religious integration. Science tahfiz sown for cultivation children to be more focused, disciplined and always find happiness hereafter. Academic learning syllabus based on the Ministry of Education is pursued for these children to become excellent human and meritorious to religion, family, community and country. Raym Taman Baiduri this is a home that was endowed. In the first six months, painting, cleaning up, providing shelter and modify requirements created in a collaborative fashion. Many individuals and social associations involved in this collaborative. Taman Baiduri sourdough group Raym come from various backgrounds ranging from child - child's father's death, young single mothers who are homeless, young single mothers and poor converts, as well as an abandoned orphan.


Until now, Raym Taman Baiduri has placed 20 students between the ages of 11 to 17 years. For 2013, the Raym Taman Baiduri had planned to build a complex that houses orphans / poor, new converts, single mothers and the elderly.


"Raym"composed of 2 units of terrace houses lots. House No. 11A is a home endowment and House No. 15 is a rented house. House No. 15 hired as increasing the number of occupants and to provide comfort to children. Below is the distribution of space in Taman Baiduri Raym:


Children in Taman Baiduri Raym attended several schools nearby, namely:

  • Sekolah Kebangsaan Cyberjaya
  • Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cyberjaya
  • Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dengkil
  • Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi