Lot's of Thanks to the People who had Given us These Awards as Well As the People Who had Supported Us...

K+B Awards

We Would Like to thank the fans and supporters of K+B. Without you, we wouldn't be up here all these years...

This award was given by Angge
webmaster of the 13th Zodiac Homepage.
This was given before Nairohe became the
webmaster of K+B.

Here are a couple of K+B
banners given to us by the
13th Zodiac Homepage

Hello, Nairohe-san! Well, since I'm a frequent visitor of K + B and I really really love it a lot, I'm giving an award for K + B! Yeah, I've read the reasons why, and I think they're just right. Your site's really cool, I mean, it's up for 3 years or so, and it's still active! Omedetou gozaimasu, you're really doing great ^_^

And yeah, I visited your hp last night, and I like it too! I've always wanted to have cherry blossoms in my website, but I don't know how to do stuff like those, let's just say I'm no expert with HTML, hehehe. I like your fanart too! Sugoi yo, Nairohe-san! ;) Congrats! So...you have 2 awards! One for K + B, and one for your hideout too! Ganbatte with your websites!!! God bless! Arigatou for applying! ;) Take care!

Botan no Miko ^_^

Award Recieved: August 4, 2000

K+B: This is really overwhelming! our first award after a month!!! Kawaiii!!! Now Angge doesn't have to worry about those ones that she lost while revamping the site... grin* Thanks a lot for this award Botan no Miko-chan!!! We really appreciate it!

Oh sure... can I just send it to the ML? No cheating please... but this is for K+B...ONLY!!!
Now, I proudly present this excellence award to ANGGE
for her excellence in making her site : K+B
Let give her a hand!!! *clap clap clap everybody*
Yeey!!! Wooohoooo!!!! Yipeeeee!!!!! *throws confetti*

~Bluebotan ='..'=

Angge: sniff sniff* Nairohe, could you please hand me the Kleenex...
Nairohe: What for mortal?
Angge: I'm.. sniff sniff* I'm so happy.. sniff sniff*
Nairohe: Gosh you're so dramatic.. cut it out! Thanks for the Award Blue! We really appreciate it! But how come its her name on it, not mine?
Angge: Um... some people wont get it... nevermind... hee hee...
Nairohe: hn...



Story of a Girl by Nine Inch Nails

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