Yahoo! GeoCities - Yoga for Pregnancy

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Yoga for Pregnancy

Yoga is a Wholistic Approach to Better Health and Wellbeing
through Gentle Exercise, Breathing, Meditation and Deep Relaxation.

Tori at 39 Weeks

The postures or exercises tone, balance and strengthen the whole body internally and externally, creating better health. Through more efficient organ function and balance within the nervous and hormonal systems, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing will be established.

The breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on the whole person by supplying more oxygen to the body cells, thereby better health. The nervous system is relaxed and emotional stability is maintained. By breathing correctly, we look and feel more relaxed and calm.

Meditation and relaxation therapies have long been recognised as a positive relief for controlling the stress of modern living. The simple procedure of quietening the body, calming the mind and taking time to be still is a well known self help program. It is an important and relaxing part of yoga where only a little time is needed for the benefits to be felt.

Yoga is one of the oldest forms of body and mind programs available today. It is a completely wholistic approach to better health and can be practiced safely during pregnancy.

Yoga is a science of body and mind "fitness". The body will become toned, supple and strong, the mind and emotions more calm, relaxed and balanced, making for overall health.

By practising yoga regularly, tighness, soreness and stiffness in the muscles will be greatly reduced and often removed completely. Yoga helps to work on the emotional person as well, and some forms of muscular tension are realted to emotional stress. Yoga works on calming and relaxing the body and mind, relieving muscular and emotional tension.

Emotional tension responds well to the relaxation, meditation and breathing exercises. Tension caused headaches, insomnia, digestive disturbances and many other problems can be treated succesfully with yoga.

Click Here to Order Book
The Complete Book of Yoga & Meditation for Pregnancy
by Theresa Jamieson

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