Praise and gratitude uttered to Allah SWT for with His permission and His grace, I was given the opportunity to lead the Foundation as well as peace and blessings be upon the Prophet of Allah, his family and his companions who inspired me to take care of and educate orphans this. I come from Muar in a large family and has 11 siblings where the father and mother always gave us enough love and perfect upbringing either academic or religion.Furthermore, Johor is known as a country that gives priority in terms of religious education. Because it also strengthens my determination to become successful in life whether in the world even more so hereafter. Alhamdulillah, thanks to the perseverance and determination as well as the permission of Allah, I succeed in their studies and career that I operate. After retiring, I run my own business. But my heart still feels there is a shortage and it arose from the idea for the house orphans. With the support and help of some friends, I set up with the aim of Rumah Ilham defend orphans. I would like orphans are educated as parents to educate their children at home, which not only provide protection (shelter) and eat only adopted but also religious upbringing and moral priority. In addition, academic studies are also very closely so that they can be successful and future careers. That's why I'm willing to find financial resources so that they get a better education by hiring teachers to teach their tuition. Similarly, I am not ashamed to ask for donations from the public to complete the facilities at the hostel in the comfort of our children's. Early today our society is already aware of the importance of proper facilities for orphans either dormitory, dining hall, common room, prep room and so for the atmosphere they learn and grow well and perfect. I am also very careful about cleanliness and neatness of the children themselves. Therefore we adopted children with self-discipline and also how to interact with people. I hope that the orphans we not only be independent but also excel in whatever field they operate. Finally, as a private entity and we do not get regular funding from any party, appeal and ask for donations sir, madam for me to continue my jihad for the sake of orphans who are less fortunate.That is all from me


Saad Bin Hj Rosdi Board Member
Datuk Hj Hassanuddin Bin Ali Chairman
Hj Mohd Tahir @ Kamil Bin Ramli Board of Directors

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