AW - Tobi-An, Tobi-Yah-n, TOB-IAN

SELAMITA! Greetings, this is just a brief ;-) overview of who we are, what we are about and basically FIRST PRINCIPLES.  There is more that needs to be uploaded to the RASTA_LOJ (http://geocities.com/TAO_loj and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LIONOFJUDA) and distributed amongst the People of AW, the Truth. This current page belongs in the 360 Basic Lessons of the AW Order i.e., AOM EPI-KNOSTIK RAS TEFFERI CHURCH & SELAMinistries of the LOJ...

The purpose here in presenting this
LOJ_ITYOPYA Basics scroll in this seemingly "incomplete" stage is to get our people in tune/touch with the reality/RE-ALL-ITY and not just the same "stories" and man-made fables which you have heard... WHAT WE HAVE TO GIVE IS THE HALF OF THE STORY THAT HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD... Till NOW!!!!  We as TOBIYAN EBOS, ORI-GENE-HAYIL ETHIOPIAN HEBREWS need to become re-AWARE of the truth, THE FIRST PRINCIPLES and not just someone's baseless 'opinions' no matter who they be or claim to be.  To be included in these PRI-MORDIAL RASTA SCROLLS will be the Kushite Story and BEFORE KUSH... Some people claim that Ethiopia is only a Greek word and therefore not related to who we are??!  Some claim that we are only "Kushites" and therefore simply sons of HAM/KAM, the Prophet.  Others say many other things...  We begin our lessons from ETHIOPIC PRE-HIS-STORY!

There are many lesson modules, researches and other study/practice methods which we use to teach, correct and uplift our students and the scholars of the RASTA_LOJ.  Due to the broad and expansive history as well as observations of others speculations, the pieces are fragmented.  What we are seeking to do here is to give what is relative to the PRESENT-FUTURE tense of the Children of Light and Humanity.  Therefore, many other references are included and will be updated as these teachings reveal and unfold.  If you have particular questions or difficulty in any course, lesson or module - send an e-mail and we will seek to respond ASAP.  I suggest taking the time to refer to this page which gives a pre-requisite as well as the upcoming NEW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM being developed by all conscious and sentient beings as well as Brother Emmanuel Afraka and myself, Ras Iadonis Tefferi.  Berhanina Selam, LIGHT AND PEACE!!!

e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]


Ras Iadonis' 3/2002 draft - In answer to some of the following...

What was the Original Name of Ethiopia?  Was it Kush? Was it Abysinnia?
Where did the name Ethiopia really come from? Are Ethiopians Greek?  
Tell us something about the various "names" of Ethiopia, the People and Ras Tefferi?

ITYOPYA/Ethiopia Original Name:        


Other Ori-Gene-EL and Pri-Mordial Names for country, peoples, culture and way of livity known as "ITYOPYA, AETHIOPIA, Ethiopia" are:

AG'AZI or the GIZ/GIZI people.  The language of Ethiopia is commonly called ETHIOPIC/ityopik and GE'EZ/GI'IZ and GIZ(i).  (Refer to Ethiopic.com http://www.ethiopic.com/introdct.htm) What many haven't realized yet is that the people, culture and way of life is summed up also in this Ancient ETHIOPIC/GE'EZ word - GZ.  THE ORIGINAL REFERENCE TO THE ANCIENT HIGHLAND PEOPLES OF ETHIOPIA WAS/IS BEHERA (NATION OF) AG'AZI (THE FREE; UNCONQUERED PEOPLES) or simply the G'IZ.  (Learn more about ALL THE LANGUAGES OF ETHIOPIA http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Ethiopia)

AG'AZI or the GIZ/GIZI is one of the Oldest reference names for the people of the region known as the "HIGHLANDS" of Africa called today "ETHIOPIANS" and before that TOBIYANS.  The term KUSHITES refers to Ancient TOBIYANS from the seed of KAM while there are other TOBIYANS that have come from the seed of SHEM and may be referred to as the SHEBIANS or Children of SHEBA.  Yet the ORIGINAL ETHIOPIANS were known as AG'AZI or AG'AZIYAN and hence, the TOB (Good; Agree-Able/AbEL)... T'OBIYAH and T'OBIYAN.  This was before HAM, SHEM and JAPHETH peoples re-people/RE-FILLed the "known" EArth.  Before NOAH, what were the Ethiopians called?  They were called the BEHERA AG'AZI or the NATION OF THE UNCONQUERED! or the COUNTRY OF THE FREE PEOPLES!  In this land dwelt many seeds or RACES of the ONE RACE: HU-MANITY.  This was before the 6,000 year story began.
 This was before the "beginning" was written...  Yet, after the beginning was written we find the most popular name for ETHIOPIANS to be KUSHITES yet that also refered to many peoples who inhabit SUDAN, SOMOLIA, KENYA, UGANDA, and EGIPT/EGYPT.

WHO WAS KUSH'S FATHER? KUSH (koo-sh) was fathered by KAM called "HAM" in the western/white bibles.  Yet this KAM was the son of a man named NOKH or "Noah".   Yet, was NOKH (Noah) a Hamite, Shemite or Japhetite???  No, He couldn't be because they were his children.  This is the same as ETHIOPIA being the originator of the KAM/KAMET - Originally the Upper Kingdom and Lower Kingdoms; origin of the NU and Nile inundation/flood waters.  THIS IS THE REAL "ROOTS OF RASTAFARI" i.e. KRAST/KRESTOS/KRISTOS "BLACK" LIGHT!  So what race was Nokh (Noah)?  He was an AG'AZIAN or a "G" of AZIA/Asia.  He was said to be a decendant of ADAM yet Adam was not "Adam" rather THEY were AD-AM.  There existed a people who were "created" name ADAM and one made named "ADAM".  Just like "Kam-et" means DUAL or TWO (or more) lands like "Yod" and "Mim" relates in the word/name/shem of MITS-RA-YIM, the HEBREW name.  So does ADAM refer to more than just the latter singular man?  In KABBALAH the original Archetypal MAN is called the KADMON ADAM, this is the original "image" of the AG'AZI or the GIZ people.  The GIZ/Ag'Azi people are the original primordial ETHIOPIANS/TOBIYANS.

TE-MEREE or TE-MARI/TAMERI also refers to the Egiptian colony of reformist who were permitted by the AMERI/AM-HARA of the Upper Kingdom to live, build and till with the assistance of the Prebyster-Nobility of AU-SAR and AU-SET.

ETITI-OFIA is the ORIGINAL "HEBREW"/EBO way of reference to the Central Continental Jungle which extended from the present day coast of Ghana to the Horn of Africa, i.e. Ethiopia today.  The Greeks whose language developed from IONIAN SHEBAIC/SABEAN called the TOBIYANS the people of "Etiopis" because of an alleged "Negus"/King who was ruling at that time. Yet, the reference to the TOBIYANS as ETHIOPIANS was mainly due to the difficulty in pronounciation of the AG'AZI/GIZI language by the Greeks who had borrowed proto-COPTIC from the Egiptians/GIBS'AWI who were ruled by the Children of the SHEBIANS.

ABEESA land or ABYSSINIA.  Abessa comes from the name of "ABISHAG" in the First Book of Kings and refers to the "Dark Days" of IsraEl and the "IGNORANCE OF THE FATHER".  MARYAM (Virgin Mary) is descendant from the union of ADONAI-JAH and ABISHAG.  This is one of the reasons why the THRONE OF DAWEET (DAVID) was reNEWed in the land of the Kushites, i.e. Ethiopia.  This is where the true meaning of HABASHA or ABESHA comes from.  It is the DAVIDIC DYNASTY which was to be FULLFILLED in ETHIOPIA according to the KEBRE NEGASHT (refer to THE QUEEN OF SHEBA & HER ONLY SON MINYILIK translated by W.A. Budge), not the "Solomonic" Dynasty as it has been permissively called and refered to.  For who's SAKE was the THRONE(s) re-newed??? It was for the WELL BE-LO-PHI One i.e., the "Well-Beloved" aka DAWEET, the Hebrew "HERU"/Horus...  In the FIVE (5) BOOKS OF MEZMUR/Psalms IT states that "...there are set THRONES for JUDGEMANT, THE THRONES OF THE HOUSE OF GREAT KING DAVID."  If only one child was to inherit, why does it say THRONES???

ABYSSINIA and the modern term/slang "HABESHA"/or 'Abesha!' comes from the Arabic/GIZ/Tigrai root word for "mixture" and refers to the Red Arabs alleged mixture of SHEM seed and KAM seed in the TIGRAI and AMHARA Highlands.  Since we are the Ori-Gene, who really mixed with whom???  The KAM (HAM) seed of Ethiopia today is represented by the OROMIYA/OROMO people, the original ARAMA people of the Brahman/Abi-Ra-Hamic ADBARZAF, Sacred Tree... Kanna Bosm, Canabis??

What does Cannibis Sativa, the 'Sacred Tree' have to do with the Dog Star?

RE-MEMBER, the GREEN is on the top!
...and Original "LIGHT" is "BLACK"!!!

AW Order i.e.,
& SELAMinistries of the LOJ is calling...

To be continued...  

The Number 9 & R(1)A(2)S(3) T(4)A(5)F(6)A(7)R(8)
i(9)... Ethiopik (G'Izi) Ancient Q'UT'Ir

Ethiopik (G'Izi) Ancient Q'UT'Ir/K'uT'ir - Numbers!!!

9 Orders and 1 Cefer/Sifer - Cipher/Ci-PHI-Re...
see Ethiopic.com

Biblical References:

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