Chapter 10 – Treachery


Scorpion wakes up to find his prey gone and now gets up to his feet. Scorpion mumbles incoherent words to himself and continues to walk towards the place where his saw Sub-Zero and his cohorts.


Meanwhile, Shang Tsung tells Sub-Zero that he was his best bodyguard since he hasn’t seen Scorpion ever since the dinner. Sub mentioned that Scorpion might be dead and Shang said that Scorpion isn’t dead. Sub wonders how he knows and Shang just answer back that Scorpion’s is already dead to begin with so he’s just a harmless spirit walking around.


Sub-Zero changes the subject and they go on talking about what happen during the past day. At this time, Scorpion manages to catch up with them. He watches as they conversed about petty subject that seemed rather unimportant to Scorpion.


Shang’s Minion were told to go away while him and Sub-Zero have a man to man talk alone. They leave and now Shang and Sub-Zero are alone.


“Now Sub-Zero, you wondered about the emperor?” Shang asked.

“Actually, I was more wondering about you.” Sub-Zero gave him a stern look.

“About me? Why, What’s wrong?” Shang Tsung said in a surprised tone.

“You know that I was sent here to protect you from the Lin Kuei…” Sub-zero started.

“Yes, I know.” Shang butted in.

“… well, its actually…” Sub-zero looks around to notice anyone and then leans into Shang’s ear, “…quite the opposite.”


With that last syllable, Shang Tsung was immediately knocked to the floor by Sub-Zero. The plan to assassinate Shang Tsung was underway. Shang arose and said to Sub-Zero that he had trusted him and that he had no idea that Sub would had turned on him. He immediately thought of Raiden and muttered that he was a piece of shit because he was right.


Sub-Zero took a swing at Shang Tsung but missed and Shang Tsung double palmed him into his chest. Sub-Zero took the hit and stammered back a bit.


“Do you really think that I would at any time be alone?” Shang Tsung angrily said.

“You’re not alone?” Sub-zero then replied with a surprised tone.

“Yes, there are three of us here and he’s not on your side.” Shang Tsung hastily said


Sub-Zero then looked around and Scorpion thought that Shang was talking about him. It wasn’t Scorpion though… there was a 4th man out there.


“Reptile, do your job.” Shang Tsung commanded.


Then a being, that was dressed in green, appeared in front of Sub-Zero and spit acid right into his face. Sub screamed with pain as he could not see out of his eyes. Shang Tsung ordered that Sub be left here alone to waste and be tortured by his own mistake. They left and Shang Tsung punched Sub-Zero in his face.


“That was for what you could have done but I was ready for you.” Shang Tsung said as he left.


Scorpion watched the events unfold and slipped from his place and came closer towards Sub-Zero.          

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