bloggin :D

the site

all about the place you're at-- my "silent letter" XD. separated into different sections, but all on one page :)


the name

well.. i don't really have a deep and meaningful reason for the name, although i might wish i do. in any case, the name is from a L'Arc~En~Ciel song (Also a reason I chose a picture of their vocalist, the incredibly sexy Hyde [:D], for the first layout), aptly called "A Silent Letter". It's a gorgeous, sweet song... from their CD "REAL". The translated lyrics to the song, which I found here, are as follows:

my finger tips can no longer reach the distant night sky
I'll undo the twinkling stars and set them free.

Stay with me until I fall asleep
don't let go with that gentle hand
like when I would get lost as a child

when I opened the window today,
I heard the footsteps of the season
ah you're manner and smiles are my everything

Stay with me what should I do ?
i may not always be able to look at you kindly
like when I would get lost as a child
...goodbyes are.

...I have been thinking about you.

Dear my love I'll cross even the farthest oceans with these arms
and I'll never be afraid again of the stormy days.
Are you feeling inbetween the rise and fall of the waves, looking up
the swirl of stars is beautiful,
like when I would get lost as a child
....goodbyes are.

Yes, they are very confusing, which is why I suggest you view the translators notes found on the page with the lyrics, right here :)

the site
A Silent Letter began sometime in mid-august of 2004. it is more of a personal site than anything... or really just my space on the web. i'm not quite sure what to call it. so you can call the site what you will, and let me know too :D. it is starting off with a small amount of content, like most (all?) sites do, and hopefully, unlike most sites (at least, most of MY sites. lol), this will end up with much more quality content. i guess we'll just have to see, hmm? :D

the layout
it's just a simple layout, with a picture of Hyde (credit on the credit page :D), the vocalist of L'Arc~En~Ciel. it uses div positioning and css... nothing complex or difficult. i've tried my best to keep the coding valid, but if you find a page where i've goofed plese let me know, k? umm, this layout is "version one"... which i have spur-of-the-momently decided to call "Hyde!" .. how creative. -_-;. lol ^__^.

web history

A Silent Letter is quite new. I used to have a site, Worn-Away, but after like five years of an on-again-off-again "relationship" with it, it got old and I left it. Moving on to "Ishuku." After time, that had too many memories and such to go with it. (And such a dumb name, now that I think about it... meep). Ishuku was hosted at for a while, until I closed it down for good. Between those major websites, I had a few sub-sites while I was deciding on the main title. Worn-Away was more visitor-orientated, and despite my plans for Ishuku, it was too. Then Off-Balance was striken up, many months later. It was mainly a writing site, but after I while, webdesign just seemed... old to me. nothing else to do. By no means was I a great webdesigner, my graphics were at best, okay, and my HTML skills left much to be desired... and both still are pretty much the same way, even though I have learned a bit more HTML and stuff about graphics. So anyways, I just left it. I loved the layout, for some reason, but it just wasn't... functional enough. And then I wanted a new title, too. So I started up Hint of a Smile one day, out of pure boredom. After a while, I got tired of the site and even though I didn't mind the name as much as the name of my other sites, it got... old. So, A Silent Letter came. :)


i'm not one to skimp out when it comes to giving due credit. so here it is-- thanks to everyone! :)
TofuRecords.Com is where I got the picture of Hyde :) .
Geocities is the host for my site. They can be sucky, but for the most part it's all good, as long as my page is up. Lol ^^
Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop were used to edit the image and make the layout. I also used MS Paint.
The font used in the image for the title is "Noodle Script", and another one that I'm pretty sure comes default ^^ .


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