

Chrisanty Matunan
Mark Ramos
Benjie Bandarlipe
Charmaine Lotoc
Jessica Cruz
Micheal Samson
Rachel Crausos

Charmaine B. Lotoc (miricashirin_crush)

Personal Data | Educational attainment | Employment Record | Likes and Dislikes | Motto | Hobbies | Lovelife | Dream in Life |

Shared |Status|Photo|Link|Video

Personal Data

Name: ..................Lotoc, Charmaine B.
CP no : ................09465749076
Age : ....................18 years old
Address : ............little baguio caloocan city
Religion : ............sevendays
Birthday : ...........January 27,1993
Birthplace: .........Paranaque
E add : ................
[email protected]
Status: ................Is in open relationship
Gender: ..............Female

Educational attainment

College : ....................Bestlink College of the Philippines
HighSchool : ........... Bagumbong National High School
Elementary : ............ Ceilito Zamora Elementary School


Likes and Dislikes

Obviosly its normal to every human to hate someone who is backfighter, plastic and other bad characteristic but for me i just hate those who hate me too... cause sometimes im one of those naughty girl youve found ....but behind that

I loved those person loved and accept me behind my inperfection


"I never settle for less if i know that i do my best"....may be im not the best for everyone but i can give all my heart and soul in my work....i can i fight for it cause every single sweat i gave is a sweat of worhtness ive put on it..

i always proud in my self cause this is me ... the real me.... no one defeated.... or else you will die!!! peace


My hobbies are .... Wacthing television in the morning, soundtrip in the afternoon, eating , laught, gora with my friend ,sew my own dress ,playing with my pets, and dreaming at night....!!!

thast life go on on me!!!!!


Hahaha... if we discussting about my lovelife this whole webpage is not enough.... i can describe it in two words.... EXCITING and PLaYFULL.... jaja cause im one of the player you ever known... lhady in disguise

maybe you judge me but you just know my name not my story......i became a player because of you!!!

Dream in life

When i was i child i had a million of dreams ... but when i grow up i knew that everything is on me i had my family, friends , pet, goodlife,and good health

until i meet someone who fullfill my dreams he just create a new chapter in my life and justify my dream till last forever