30-39 SCOUT ARTS!    

Ranger    Swashbuckler    Troubadour    Dirge    Brigand / Assassin (ask)

Home    Level 20-29 Scout Arts    Level 40-50 Scout Arts

App4 requires Pristine Carmine Ink, 1 velium cluster, 1 feyiron cluster, 1 granum resin, 3 paleolith temper

Adept3 requires Woad Ink - RARE and the same subs as above (any level 30-39)


30 - Rip : Deals damage as a ranger rips an arrow from the target and the ranger receives and arrow.
30 - Flaming Shot : Requires a ranged weapon. Launches two shots at once and deals fire damage, ignoring some enemy armor.
31 - Huntsman's trap : Allows stealthy movement, the ability to see hidden enemies, and snares enemies if the ranger is attacked.
32 - Miracle Shot : Deals damage from a distance. It does not require line of sight.
32 - Adroit : Increases parry, defense and agility while reducing attack speed.
33 - Spring : Requires stealth. An attack that deals medium damage to all enemies in an encounter.
34 - Crippling Arrow : A ranged attack, it lowers the enemy's parry and deflection ability on a hit.
35 - Raven Embers : A high fire damage stealth attack that reduces enemy slashing resistance.

35 - Honed Reflexes : Increase attack speed by 9%
36 - Take aim : upgrade to steady aim
36 - Pick Off : A medium range attack that decreases enemy defense and reduces agility
37 - Entrap : Decreases enemy movement speed and refreshes the ranger if hit.
38 - Trick Arrow : Deals damage with little hate. The next player to damage the creature will enrage the creature generating hate.
38 - Crippling Blade : Requires stealth and position behind and enemy. A ranged attack that deals very high damage and slows enemy movement.
39 - Primal Reflexes : Increases archery, ranged and stalk skills.


30 False Blade : Deals little damage but generates little hate on a successful hit. The next hit on the target will generate great hate.
30 Watery Shot : Requires a ranged weapon. Launches two shots at once that reduce power and deal cold damage.
31 Dazzling Shroud : Allows stealthy movement and mesmerizes enemies that damage the swashbuckler.
32 Feigned Bravado  : Taunts the target and increases the swashbuckler's attack rate. If the swashbucklers takes damage, then the effect fades.
32 Smirking Defense  : Increases parry and agility.
33 Kidney Blow : Flanking attack that deals medium damage, reduces enemy armor class, and interrupts the target.
33.6 Lie Low : This ability places you into stealth mode and lowers your hate dramatically.
34 Rakish Swathe : Area effect melee attack.
35 Ambuscade :. High damage stealth attack that knocks the opponent down and reduces agility.

35 Ruthless Cunning : Increase damage per second by 6%
36 Hamstring  : An extra attack that slows your opponent's movement rate on a successfully hit.
36 Tricky Display  : Decreases enemy defense, slightly increases hate and increases the swashbuckler's attack speed.
37 Checkmate  : Decreases enemy movement speed with a brief stile when the snare dissipates.
38 Cats Paw  : Requires a position behind the enemy. An attack which deals high damage and decreases the enemy's agility. The swashbuckler's offense skills increase while cat's paw is active.
38 Reproach : Single target taunt.
39 Bootleg : A Group stealth that grants increased strength and agility upon dissipation.


30- Quirons Joyous Celebration - Increases health regeneration of the party
30.6- Deafening Missile - Requires a ranged weapon. Launches two shots at once that deals mental damage and stifle enemies
31- Malas Silent Hymn - Allows a stealthy movement at an increased movement speed and briefly stops enemy attacks if they damage the troubadour
31.6- Minstrels Fortune - Increases the offense skills and wisdom of all group members
32- Kians Destructive Anthem - Inflicts mental damage over time
32.6- Daelors Luminary Ballad - Increases parry and intelligence at a low power cost
33- Walts Thirsting Thrust - A flanking attack that deals medium damage, reduces enemy power, and increases the troubadour's attack speed on a successful strike
33.6- Discouraging Discante - Stuns the target and surrounding enemies of the encounter
34- Arcane Symphony - Increases Arcane mitigation for all group members
35- Claras Midnight Cadence - A high damage stealth attack that decreases enemy intelligence

35- Zanders Choral Rebuff : decrease spell avoidance of target encounter by 6
36- Aria of Inspiration - Augmentation that has a chance to grant all group members additional mental damage on a successful attack
36.6- Lores Lurching Limerick - Decreases enemy defense, depletes power, and has a chance to stifle the target
37- Guvienas Disparate Chant - Reduces enemy movement speed, reduces wisdom, and slightly drains power when the snare dissipates
38- Alins Calming Serenade - Slowly lowers your hate with the encounter
38.6- Raxxyls Vivacious Descant - Increases all attributes, hate gain, and parry skill
39- Elegant Blade - A high damage mental attack that decreases enemy agility and mental resistance


30- Daros Doleful Dirge - Decreases encounter's movement speed and attack rate
30.6- Thruis Sapping Shot - Requires a ranged weapon. Launches two shots at once dealing mental damage and transferring minor power on a successful attack
31- Valims Dark Song - Allows stealth movement at an increased movement speed and deals disease damage over time to enemies that damage the dirge
31.6- Lucky Break - Increases the offense skills and intelligence of all group members
32- Hyrans Angry Sonata - Increases target's encounter hate
32.6- Jaels Mysterious Mettle - Increases parry and strength at a low power cost
33- Daros Dull Blade - A flanking attack that deals medium damage, decreases enemy damage, and increases the dirge's attack speed on a successful strike
33.6- Discouraging Discante - Stuns the target and surrounding enemies of the encounter
34- Noxious Symphony - Increases Noxious mitigation for all group members
35- Claras Midnight Cadence - A high damage stealth attack that decreases enemy intelligence
35- Delusory Trill - A high damage stealth attack that reduces enemy agility and decreases spell avoidance

35- Zanders Choral Rebuff : decrease spell avoidance of target encounter by 6
36- Grave's Peace - Augmentation that has a chance to grant all group members additional Disease damage on a successful attack
36.6- Tarvens Bedeviled Under song - Decreases enemy defense, deals minor damage, and interrupt spell usage
37- Verliens Keen of Woe - Decreases enemy movement speed, reduces wisdom, and has a chance to stun when the snare dissipates
38- Claras Crazed Cacophony - Decreases the target and the target's group crushing, piercing and slashing resistance
38.6- Harls Kindling Strain - Increases the group's strength, stamina, agility, damage capability, and poison resistance
39- Afficted Blade - A high damage mental attack that decreases enemy mental resistance and deals additional disease damage over time

Ranger    Swashbuckler    Troubadour    Dirge    Brigand / Assassin (ask)

Wednesday September 28, 2005

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