20-29 SCOUT ARTS!    

Ranger    Swashbuckler    Troubadour    Dirge    Brigand / Assassin (ask)

Home    Level 30-39 Scout Arts    Level 40-50 Scout Arts

App4 requires Pristine Carbon Ink, 1 gold cluster, 1 carbonite cluster, 1 thylakoid resin, 3 neolith tempers

Adept3 requires Indigo Ink - RARE and the same subs as above (ANY 20-29 level)


20 - Wounding Arrow : Ranged attack that lowers a targets parry and deflection ability on hit. 
21 - Shadowflame : a high fire damage stealth attack.
21 - Makeshift Arrow : Creates arrows from scrap wood.
22 - Corner : A medium range attack the decreases enemy defense.
22 - Steady Aim : Increases your ranged skill

23 - Impede : decrease enemy movement speed

24 - Shadow Lunge : requires stealth and a position behind the enemy. a melee attack with extra range dmg that deals very high dmg

24 - Trick Shot : deals dmg with little hate. the next player to dmg the creature will enrage the creature generating hate.

25 - Escape : Ports your group to zone in. 
25 - Natural Instinct : Increases ranged attack and stalk skills 
26 - Hidden Shot : Deals High damage from a distance. It requires a ranger to equip a bow and be in stealth. 
26 - Leaping Cut : A ranged extra attack that deals piercing damage over time. 
27 - Lunging Thrust : A ranged attack that decreases enemy defense. 
27 - Forester's Insight : Increase agility and movement speed. 
28 - Shadow : This ability places you in stealth mode and lowers your threat level with a target. 
28 - Triple Shot : A series of three ranged attacks if one misses the series ends. 
29 - Sniping Shot : Requires position behind the enemy and a ranged weapon. An extra long ranged attack. 
29 - Lightning Strike : A quick attack that deals lightning damage.

Swashbuckler                                                                                       TOP

20 Flamboyant Swathe Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. An area of effect melee attack.
21 Swarthy Distraction Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 1 min. 0. Places a reactive hate proc on the target.
21.6 Shanghai Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 10.0s 0. High damage stealth attack that knocks the opponent down.
22 Flashy Trick Swashbuckling 0.5s 0.5s 10.0s 0. Decreases enemy defense and slightly increases hate towards the swashbuckler.
22 Undercut Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 10.0s 0. Deals damage and snares teh target on a successful hit.
24 Gibe Swashbuckling 1.8s 0.5s 20.0s 0. Taunts a single enemy.
24 Unfriendly Reminder Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. Requires a position behind the enemy. Attack that deals high damage and decreases the enemy's agility.
25 Escape Reconnaissance 5.0s 0.5s 30 min. 0. This allows you and your party to teleport away from a dangerous situation.
26 Disarming Grin Swashbuckling 2.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. Mesmerizes a single target for a short time.
26 Snap of the Wrist Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. Two precise high damage attacks
27 Risky Advance Skullduggery 1.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. Increases melee attack techniques and reduces defense techniques.
27 Flight of Fancy Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. Increases agility, strength and reduces hate generation.
28 Deft Rush Swashbuckling 0.8s 0.5s 30.0s 0. A precise, high damage, multi-enemy attack.
28 Flurry of Arms Swashbuckling 2.0s 0.5s 30.0s 0. An extra series of 3 attacks. If an attack misses, the series ends.
29 Nimble Cut Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.5s 20.0s 0. Precise attack that has a chance to stun.
29 Playful Swipe Swashbuckling 1.0s 0.0s 9.0s 0. Quick attack htat knocks down the enemy and decreases hate towards the swashbuckler.

Troubadour                                                                                            TOP

20- Arcane Chorus - Increases the Arcane migration for all group members
21- Bria's Entrancing Sonnet - Charms a creature into following the bard. If it is instructed to do anything other than follow the bard, the song breaks
21.6- Luckblade - A very high damage stealth attack
21.8- Lore's Snapping Sonnet - Decreases enemy defense and depletes power
22- Aria of Excitement - Augmentation that has a chance to grant all group members additional mental damage on a successful attack
23- Sybil's Shuddering Sonnet - Decreases enemy movement speed and slightly drains power
24- Alins Soothing Serenade - Slowly lowers your hate with the encounter
24.6- Raxxyls Energizing Harmony - Increases strength, agility, and stamina. It also increases hate with nearby enemies
25- Escape - Teleports group to safe spot
25.6- Dazzling Blade - Melee attack that does Mental damage; and on a successful attack, decreases Mental mitigation
25.6- Fulgent Blade - A high damage mental attack that reduces enemy mental resistance
26- Elis Thunderous Hymn - Inflicts arcane damage on a single target
26.6- Dissenting Cantata - A ranged attack that deals mental damage
27- Elise's Ditty - Increases agility, arcane resistance, and has a chance to interrupt enemies on a successful hit
27.8- Bria's Thrilling Ballad - Increases power replenishment for the party
28- Swindle Essence - Drains Power from the target, and returns a portion of this damage as power replenishment to the caster
28.6- Ludas Resonant Sonata - Increase the attack speed and agility of all group members
29- Sandra's Deafening Strike - A quick attack that deals mental damage and drains power over time
29.6- Alins Melodic Refrain - Ranged mental damage effects to all enemies in an encounter

Dirge                                                                                                        TOP

20- Noxious Chorus - Increases the Noxious mitigation for all group members
21.6- Misfortunes Kiss - A high damage stealth attack that reduces enemy agility
21.8- Lanets Excruciating Scream - Weakens the target on initial application and deals mental damage to target on song termination
22- Crypts Quiet - Augmentation that has a chance to grant all group members additional instant Disease damage on a successful attack
22.6- Tarvens Crippling Crescendo - Decreases enemy defense and deals minor damage
23- Verliens Enigmatic Falsetto - Decreases enemy movement speed with a chance to stun when the snare dissipates
24- Claras Chaotic Cacophony - Decreases the target and the target's group crushing, piercing and slashing resistance
24.6- Harl's Quickening Euphony - Increases all attributes and damage
25- Escape - Teleports group to safe spot
25.6- Dazzling Blade - Melee attack that does Mental damage; and on a successful attack, decreases Mental mitigation
25.6- Darksong Blades - A high damage mental attack that decreases enemy mental resistance and deals additional disease damage over time
26- Garsins Funeral March - Causes the target to flee the battle
26.6- Ludas Wicked Warble - An attack that deals medium mental damage
27- Deaths Scent - Increases agility, arcane, and disease resistance
27,8- Bria's Thrilling Ballad - Increases power replenishment for the party
28- Cry of the Departed - Does instant disease damage to the target, and returns a portion of this damage as Health replenishment to the caster
28.6- Relentless Tune - Increases the attack speed and strength of all group members
29- Thuris Doleful Thrust - A quick attack that deals power damage over time and drains enemy health, returning a portion of it to the dirge
29.6- Dissonant Rhythm - Deals a difficult to resist mental damage effect to all enemies in an encounter

Home    Ranger    Swashbuckler    Troubadour    Dirge

Wednesday September 28, 2005

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