The choices available in drawing materials are wide and varied. Some drawing media such as pastels or ink and wash, require much further study in colour technique and approach even after you learn to draw well.





Graphite is the dark gray material usually found encased within a wooden pencil. Graphite is produced in various grades or degrees according to the softness or hardness of the material. Different grades produce different types of marks. The grade of the pencil is usually designated on the side or the end of the pencil.


You’re probably aware that there are 3 main types of charcoal (powdered, compressed, and willow/vine) but you may not realize that all three types produce very different effects. The best way to truly understand the differences between the types is to experiment. Practice using each one to determine the best charcoal for your project.


A pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media.

Pastels are available in several types: hard, soft, oil and pastel pencils, each with their own unique characteristics.


Art markers are extremely simple to use and require very little prep time compared to other art mediums. The ink from art markers dry immediately which is a HUGE plus for many artists. Like colored pencils, colors can actually be blended which is another great advantage for artists. However, unlike colored pencils, it can be extremely difficult to correct mistakes.




Pens now come in a few variety of inks. Water-based inks are bright but other types of ink hold up better on a variety of surfaces and work better for color blending. Pens are also made with different tips. Short, hard nibs give you precise details but wider, felt nibs cover page space quicker.

Choosing the best paint brushes for your next project isn't always an easy decision. You can check about type of brushes in this website as well.