

This website has the right to use your personal information to help mail socks to you. it also has the right to your credit card information so that it may purchase the socks you want. You can either exept or deny the use of this policy but it is for the benifit of your website expirience that you eccept them. If you would like to ask for a special change of policies, please feel free to contact me at (435)-845-88 or Slater@Email.


This website has the right to any personal information you give it, to help it remeber your information for easier check out next time. This website does NOT have the right to sell or give your information to anyone else. There may also be times where we cannot fulfil your request, for exaple if you want us to give you some socks for free, we can't do that it would be unfair for everyone and then we would go out of buisness, no socks for anyone ever again.