J. Ulric Voyer
Livre des invites

USA 2007/02/26
Shirley Byczynski, New York
[email protected]
Spain 2007/02/23
[email protected]
Brasil 2007/02/18
Thank you very much for such a site. MERCI
Mario Petersen, Porto Alegre, RS
[email protected]
USA 2007/02/18
Thanks for the libretti
Nelson Byrne
[email protected]
Spain 2007/02/17
Merci beaucoup pour votre generosit�.
Simona, Tenerife
UK 2007/02/14
Thank you...I like that the sight is multi-language. Allows for an understanding an appreciation of the original
[email protected]
Canada 2007/02/14
Montreal, Quebec
[email protected]
France 2007/02/01
Bravo pour cette r�alisation fort utile
[email protected]

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