Ecotourism Saw-Sea

Municipality Of Benito Juarez, Sonora, Mexico

The municipality of Benito Juarez is located in the southern part of the State of Sonora, in the northwest of Mexico and in the heart of the Mayo Valley. It is below the municipality of Cajeme, and north, northwest and west of Etchojoa, Sonora. It consists in 329,45Km 2 (129 squared miles). The Municipality has 21,785 inhabitants, we are the 26 th larger municipality in Sonora because of the total population.

Benito Juarez is considered a very prosperous region within the state, and with a highly productive potential (fruit, grain, vegetable and oily plants). Nowadays we have very high-tech adapted areas with greenhouse and irrigation in about 31,689=50=00 hectares compreded in the Irrigatation District #148 of the Yaqui Valley.

The special location in wich the city relays, make it an attractive place to establish all the necessary supplies for the agriculture development like agriculture specialized shops, grain driers, packaging and transportation business, warehouses, mills and grain processing plants.

The wide variety of agricultural products offers the opportunity to develop many different agroindustries. Now we have 3 cotton processing plants, 3 processing and selling solid fertilizer, grain and agro-chemicals plants, a seed drier and an oil extractor plant, the rest is focused in the packaging of vegetables.

The Municipality of Benito Juarez, due to it's special climate and microclimate characteristics, allows the satisfactory development of vegetables and fruit like pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon, celery, cucumber, beans, peas and some fruit plants like mangoes, avocados and citrics.

The fishing activity in the municipality is located in the Tobari Bay and in some estuaries that merge to our sea ecosystem, with a coastline of 80 km (50 miles). There are grown and produced various species like shrimp, crab, snail, oyster, shark and many others.

If we want to talk about the fishing future, we should talk about aquaculture. Our municipality has the right conditions for shrimp cultivate with high development potential. Nowadays we have the aquaculture farm �El Siari� located in the south extreme of the Tobari Bay, which consists in 420 hectares and produces about 1,000 tons every year. Two industrial parks are in the authorization process.

These activities give us the opportunity to establish packaging, frozenning, ice making, assembling and can packaging industries.

The farm activity in our Municipality consists en a low scale production of cows, goats and pigs to get meat and milk. Despite that, our region offers the opportunity to grow other species and products like ostrich, rabbit, quail and chicken. All this stimulated by a great development potential.

Tourist activities project themselves with great future for all those visitors of other regions, states and countries. They enjoy the coast area and visiting the �Huivulai� Island and it's fresh water well. Not many beaches in the world can say that. The clearness and deepness of it's waters allow families to have great moments of amusement and fun.

The cultural richness of the native tribes, located near this beaches, with it's traditional fishing towns offers you the opportunity to eat the best seafood like shrimp, crab, snail, oyster and many others. Many restaurant with the freshest seafood, and delicious taste offer all these services.

The agriculture valley with all the cultivates offers a nice and relaxing trip for the families, going to the places mentioned before results such a enjoyable pleasure.



�Huivulai� Island it's just 22 km (14 miles) far from the city. And after the joint with the principal street in Cd. Obregon (Norman Bourlaug) there are just 8 km (5 miles). This island is 12 km (7.5 miles) long and covers about 900 hectares. This beautiful place requires the necessary investment to offer the tourist the right housing with all the necessary services and security, also the creation of amusement and fun places like hotels.

Our City (Villa Juárez) is connected trough good and easy roads to important cities like Cd, Obregón, Navojoa and Huatabampo, this roads also connect the city to the international highway (México-Nogales) after just 45 km. (28 miles) to the northeast of the city. Villa Juárez has all the necessary services to give the visitors a nice trip like 2 hotels, a disco-bar, restaurants and all kind of commerce.

The search for local improvement has taken us to the establishment of more and better schools in the 4 levels of academic degree. Actually we have a University (Centro de Estudios Superiores del Estado de Sonora CESUES) which imparts Aquaculture, Horticulture, Public Administration and Computer Systems careers.

In Conclusion, we have many investment opportunities. In the Agriculture sector: elaborating processed products, vegetable canning and packaging, specialized transportation, creating and selling fertilizers. In the Industry: Developing fabric industries (cotton), industrial parks, and constructing programs for popular houses. Tourism: The development of tourist centers in the �Huivulai� Island. Also aquaculture and fishing projects and it's packaging and frozenning industries for the best sea products.


Copyright 2005 aldapa Company.
Villa Juárez, Sonora México.
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