Old Update Page 15

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AP/AR alerts posted here.

Stargate SG-1 (offscreen APed) "Flesh and Blood" Season 10 Ep 01, 7/14/06, 195. Live action. Next ep: "Morpheus". On an Ori warship Vala gives birth. The midwives take the child away and refuse to let Vala hold her. The child starts to grow at an abnormal rate, a manifestation of the Ori in human form. Vala demands the return of her daughter, who now looks 4 years old. She wants her to give her a name. Adria reveals the Ori wove their knowledge into her genetic structure, and is unimpressed when Vala tries to assert her maternal authority. "And as your mother, you will listen to me, young lady. There will be no leading of these ships and armies on a mass-murdering crusade. Or else." Adria asserts the Ancients are the villains, the Ori plan to fight them for the good of all. Vala again meets with her daughter at age 12. In hopes to get through to her, Daniel and Vala plan to show her her mistakes. They sneak off after capturing Adria, who is having trouble processing the implanted Ori knowledge. Emma Cooper (Adria at age 4), Jodelle Ferland (Adria at age 7), Brenna O'Brien (Adria at age 12), Gwenda Lorenzetti (Nursemaid). (Prophet Tenebrae)

Gerber Gala (AR, male AR) 2006 Swiss Tv commercials where people eat cheese. They regress into children in oversized clothes. A business woman sits down next to an old lady when her phone rings. The old lady hands her bread with Gala cheese. She takes 1 bite and regresses into a little girl and scares a few pigeons. http://www.gerbercheese.ch/ (Clock Virus) (clips hosted at group) (Ricky)
male AR - AR

LG (flash forward, pregnancy expansion, growth) 2006 electrical products commercial. Time lapse family seen through the years. Kids blink older.

Cristal (adult ARed) Beer commercial. An old lady is embraced by a man, then he sees a beer posed on a table. The old woman drinks a mouthful when the beer becomes luminous, indicating a magic capacity. The hurdy-gurdy sounds. She metamorphoses into a sumptuous brunette under the avid eyes of a pensioner who sees the youthening woman become much more voluptuous at the front. The pensioner drinks some in his turn, and becomes a young man again. Then the festival starts and all the pensioners drink some. A discreet morphing shows a woman with glasses become a beautiful and very sexy brunette. They are delighted to become young men and young women again. A man enters astonished and inquires of the red dressed and volcanic brown Madam "senora"? and she responds with a devastating smile "No, senorita". (Guy)

Sugar Sugar Rune (AA AP, RN) 2005 anime. Chocola orders high heels from a magical catalogue. Whenever she puts them on, she AA AP's into a teenager. sugar hill link Does not play in all browsers.

Ojamajo Doremi (AP) link Hana-chan ages from baby to age 10.

Batman: The Animated Series (AP, age stasis) "Baby-Doll" Season 3, Ep 4, 10/1/94. An unaging former child star, now grown bitter and insane, kidnaps her Tv family and holds them prisoner on an abandoned sound stage. Mary Louise Dahl stopped aging at approximately 6. She carries a doll that shoots bullets through its eye socket. While Robin works to free the actors from Baby-Doll's explosive death-trap, Batman pursues the tiny fiend through a deadly carnival fun house. Baby is confronted with a distorted reflection of herself that, in her mind, resembles what she would look like if she had a normal body. She gives a pained, rambling apology speech in the voice of an adult woman. (Jeffr_2bya)
The New Batman Adventures "Love Is a Croc" 1998. Baby Doll teams up with Killer Croc until she realizes he doesn't love her. Working as a receptionist, she vents out on a drunk man in a hotel for asking her to do something "funny or cute" despite his wife's attempts to stop him, and she slams a book in his face.
- Although Baby Doll is based on Baby Jane, her appearance and stunted growth are taken from an Infinity Inc. villain named "Baby Boom", a woman whose body stopped aging at childhood due to genetic experimentation on her as a fetus.

W.I.T.C.H. (AP, RN) "F is for Facade" 7/22/06 on FAM, 11:30 am check local listings. Cornelia can age into her older form at will simply by concentrating, without the usual elf transformation, striped costume, or flower petal wings, and claims to be her blonde sister, who's actually much younger. Reportedly her normal clothes enlarge to contain her maturing form. (teknoman)
In the 1st episode Cornelia brings the fact that after transforming they have tits to their attention. It's not a huge change, just like crossing the puberty threshold, they were more flat before and have moderate breasts after, slight change to their curves. Quote: Ir.: "What's that on the back of us?" Cor.: "What's that on the front of us?" (KeiichiRX7)
- It's much more noticeable in the comics...and it's Irma who both notices they have breasts and gets stuck in her transformed older form once. No surprise, she has the biggest pair. (NinjaBunneh)

My Year of Meats (accelerated growth) Ruth Ozeki 1998 novel. Jane visits Dunn & Son, Custom Cattle Feeders, where she meets the family, and John and Bunny's daughter, Rose. It is revealed that Rose was so poisoned by growth hormones that at 5 years old her body has matured into that of a grown woman.

Mischiefmakers (possible dream sequence APed, AR) Maasi J. Smith novel. Homeless woman becomes entangled between dimensions. Melissa Shelton is enticed by the gifts from the netherworld, as she becomes the unwilling participant in a plot by lost souls. Quotes: "Jackie's energy drains from her body. She pants and hyperventilates as her chest tightens. Grasping her mouth, she makes a desperate attempt to conserve energy, fighting to maintain strength. Her small size allows her to squeeze between branches that would prove impassable in her adult form. Spitting out the thick blood and cracked teeth, she rises and continues to run. The farther away from the carnival grounds she gets, she feels her adult strength returning. Her shredded clothing drapes along side as the strands sway with her every movement.

Ally McBeal (dream sequence ARed) 4.23, 90. "The Wedding" 5/21/01. Season finale starts with young Ally playing with her dolls. Ally awakens to a dancing baby in a tuxedo singing "Never going to get married". Ally pleads with the baby to come towards her, but when she tries to hit it with a tennis racket, it morphs into a huge monster with special effects worthy of Jurassic Park. Later Ally and her dad do their usual dream regression (she turns into a little girl; his hair darkens but the creases in his forehead remain), as they sing "Dulcinea."

Freakylinks (AP) 2000 Fox Tv series. Derek teams up with Adam's ex-fiancee, Chloe, and together they discover a little girl who morphs into a scary-looking feral woman who resembles Grace Jones.

Collier Schorr (mostly male, flash forward) Photographer. For 6 years she worked on project inspired by painter Andrew Wyeth. German adolescent Jens and 3 other doppelgangers, male and female, photographed in same intimate poses as Helga in diary scrapbook. A record of the changing lines of his body and the gradual hardening of his flesh. Each page compiles years' worth of shots, the same picture taken again and again over time. The camera formats change; the boy's body changes. The boy grows further away from the soft curves of femininity yet closer in his comfort and collaboration. Published: Jens F. 2005.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (possible height growth, old age) In production, 7/13/07. 5th Harry Potter movie. Nymphadora Tonks (Natalie Tena) is a metamorphmagus who can make herself any age she wants. In the book she made herself taller and old.

Nightbreed (girl TF) Clive Barker 1990 horror movie. Slime-glopola monsters live under cemetery in Canada. Weird psychiatrist is slashing housewives. Whimpering mutant E.T. dog turns into little girl of about same size. Her clothes are not stretched. Why do we believe the heroine would pick up the little sick dog-like child-creature and save it when, if we saw it on the streets of New York, we would all act like it wasn't there? Babette the dog-girl holds the girlfriend's hand and shows her the past.

The Order (male age stasis) Brian Helgeland 2003 movie. Bernier goes to the cathedral and meets a sin eater, a man named William Eden who is nearly 500 years old.

The Searchers (coming of age, flashed forward) 1956 John Ford epic Western. Ethan Edwards (John Wayne), an Ahab-like obsessive, spends 7 years searching for his little niece Debbie (Lana Wood), kidnapped by Comanches. We finally see the Comanche-adopted Debbie, played at 14 by the ravishing Natalie Wood. "These are my people," says little Debbie, now not so little and quite the stone fox in her snug Comanche outfit.

Kuwentong Bahay-Bahayan (minor item, kinda sorta like ARed) Philippines 1953. 1-of-a-kind Tagalog musical comedy. All the parts are played by children. The story revolves around the lives of the family of the wealthy landlord Don Liwanag, and that of one of his tenants, Kadyo. Don is running for Congress but his wife disapproves because elections mean spending money.

Memories of my Melancholy Whores (slight flash forward, coming of age) Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel 2005. 90 y.o. protagonist watches young prostitute develop in her sleep over months. "Her newborn breasts still seemed like a boy's, but they appeared full to bursting with a secret energy that was ready to explode."

link Frosted Mini Wheats commercial. (Ararchive)
kinda looks like APed bra burst
Wonka Blueberry TF Annasophia Robb AA growth scene (short version)
Wonka Blueberry TF (long version) kinda sorta looks like AP for 1 sec
Joey Lawrence male flash forward
male 6 month beard growth.
Adobesplace 2 group with some AR
AR caps

Birthday Effect (coming of age confusion, AP beliefs) Phrase. Young children are sometimes confused about how fast they grow up, if it happens in stages, and if they can influence or reverse the process. Jodie Foster jokes: "Charles, the older one, [...] has only seen me in these after-school children specials, which they show on TV. These were movies I made when I was a little girl. So when I say I'm in a movie, he asks: 'Were you a little girl?' He thinks when I go to work, I transform myself into a little girl." Indeed, he will be able to do what few children can: Watch his mother grow up on screen - from the time she appeared butt-naked in Coppertone advertisements at the age of 3, to the Disney pictures and sitcoms she made in her preteen years, to the Lolita-like prostitute role in Taxi Driver that struck a raw chord in audiences and earned her an Oscar nomination at the age of 14.
- I used to think that growing up happened overnight. That I would 1 night go to bed and wake up a grown woman. I would pray when I went to bed that the next day I could be a grown-up and start my grown-up life! (Lil Nicki)
- I used to believe that one day I would just wake up a teenager. I would have physically grown up and matured over night. The thing that worried me the most was, what would I wear when this happened until I could go shopping for bigger clothes? (Shirin)

Roni Horn (flash forward sequences) Photographer. This is Me, This is You 2002 photo book. Georgia Loy moves from childhood into full-blown adolescence. Peruse the 48 images taken with a point-and-shoot camera and, as you arrive at the last image, flip the book over and begin again. Each image reappears, in a version taken just seconds later. A single and singular portrait of one young girl taken over a 2-year period, from 8 to 10, of everything that can be subtly revealed in the process of visiting and revisiting a single person through a camera, through time. The work is an ingenuous, loving tribute to the girl's engaging personality, her budding sexuality, and her freedom to become what she decides to become. The aunt has watched her niece go through differences that are a measure of change, and through changes that are a measure of identity.

The Ongoing Moment (no AP, no flash forward) Geoff Dyer book. He suggests that something may be learned about photography by examining photographs with similar content taken by different photographers. In doing so, the author organizes the photographs by subject matter into a taxonomy that is, by the author's own admission, idiosyncratic, and perhaps bizarre.

PVP (male AR) Web comic strip, 2006. (O) male ARed

Desert Punk (flash forward) Anime features pervert character Sunabouzu. He meets a little girl who begs to become his apprentice. He refuses, until she shows him a fake picture of her mom, who is very hot, and extremely well endowed. So, he agrees to take her on, planning on raising her to be his perfect woman. Sunabozu has repeatedly teased her about being flat-chested and she hates huge chested women because of it. Poorly done dream sequence morph shows her aging into a hottie like her "mother". Kosuna herself imagines what she'll look like when she gets older. When both Junko and Kosuna were in trouble, he was unable to decide between saving the current pleasure (Junko) or the flower yet to blossom (Kosuna), thus showing what a pleasure loving pervert he is. (XD)

Hourman (AP RN, AR) "Tomorrow Never Dies..." #2, 05/01/1999, DC Comics. Hourman accidently ARed a woman into a baby. (JeffR)

Pasta di Drago (possible AP? male AP RN? male AR, age stasis) AKA "Die Drachenpaste" "The Dragon Pasta" Silvana Gandolfi novel, Italy. It is night in Kathmandu. An old man hands a mysterious pasta to 50 y.o. Andrew with the order to bring this to 10 y.o. Kumari (to prevent her from growing into a woman). Andrew is curious, and eats the pasta. It makes him younger at the rate of a year each day. Together with Kumari, a dangerous and adventurous race begins for the magic charm. (Chica)

The Specialists (mental ARed) "Liquid Television" animation 1992 MTV. Bank robber hypnotist uses insecurity of cops trying to arrest him to make them cry like babies.

The Fountain (possible AP/AR?) Rachel Weisz historical fantasy movie in production about search for Fountain of Youth.

Confessions of a Memory Eater (mental flashbacks) Pagan Kennedy novel, 2006. New drug allows user to relive any memory at any age.

(BE'd) Are you Afraid of the Dark? "The tale of the captured souls" part 2 of 3 Young girl discovers her body is magically growing up - and out. APed discovery at 6:25. Link does not work in all browsers. (F1)
"Strange Little Girl" music video (AA APed/ARed)
minor flash forwards from "The Human Body" documentary
AP/AR art requests
male flash forward beard growth

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (male flash forward) 5th film begins with nightmare of Tommy Jarvis as a child before we see him wake up as an adult in a moving vehicle.
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (flash forward) Film begins with nightmare of Tina Shepard as a child before we see her wake up as an adult in a moving vehicle.

The 4400 (old age, unseen AP) "The New World" 06/06 Tv series Season 3 pt 1. Richard has to deal with the bizarre occurrence of his beautiful 29-year old wife Lily aging to 75, while wearing her normal clothes. Daughter Isabelle grew from Baby to Babe (20 y.o, Megalyn Echikunwoke). However at the end of her accelerated aging, she was nude. She grew so fast she's uncomfortable with clothes and prefers not to wear any. We learn that for Lily to be young again, Isabelle has to die. Sadly Lily dies at the end of old age. They used the actress Tippi Hedren to play the elderly part. (Tazz, Merlin) APed, old age discovered - APed, old age

(male APed, AA) "Ageless" 2005. Baby boy APed in stages. male AP
- (APed, AA) Accelerated clone of Lana's deceased friend Emily rapidly grew into teen and abducts her to relive missed youth. APed

W.I.T.C.H (AP, AR RN) "B is for Betrayal" 06/06 animation. The girls age a few years whenever they transform into Guardians, and their costumes change with them. Cornelia wants the boys to notice her, but is too young. During a battle she discovers her power to make things grow, but can't control it. Towards the end of the episode, she was still stuck in her older form while wearing her normal clothes. (teknoman01) introduction - APed

Hades Project Zeorymer (AP, AA) Anime 1989 (Sucht17, Process Forum Gallery) AP scene

Teen Titans (male AR scene, flashed forward) 01/10/04 "How Long Is Forever?" (fan2000) male AR scene

SunnyD (flash forward, AA) 2005 commercials. AA APed

Weight Loss (weight loss before & after comparisons) Commercials. weight loss

Emma's Wish (old age ARed to younger adult, old age, AA) Movie, 1998, Joanna Kearns. Grandmother reverts to younger woman but returns to old age in spurts. old age ARed - old age scene

Hawthorne Heights (flash forward, AA) "Saying Sorry" 2006 music video. flash forward

The Stolen Child (male age stasis, male APed) 2006 Keith Donohue novel. Henry was stolen as a baby and becomes a forest pixie stuck at age 6. Changeling Henry has to remember to grow himself up, with comical results.

Youth Without Youth (male ARed) 2006 Francis Ford Coppola movie, Tim Roth. Professor rendered into younger man by lightning strike. Based on the 1988 novella by Romanian author Mircea Eliade.

The Heart of the Game (flash forward) Girl high school basketball documentary filmed over 7 seasons.

Hex (possible AP/AR?) Live action BBC America series about teen witch whom devil wants to impregnate.

new link for AR forum
The Starlets Database growing girls
Old Age: t-white pic bbs - turn white BBS - old board
ar/ap interactive story
Guardian Island Adult Ageplay (ageplay spanking daddy mommy diaper age play schoolgirl discipline OTK)
problems with adult responsibility

Lake of Fire (excellent AP scene, dream sequence) "Lake of Fire, A Fire in the Heart & Jupiter's Hills" David White novel, 2004. The books are experimental in nature, surreal, stream-of-consciousness and satirical. 4th grade teacher has a big surprise in the classroom.
Page 326: "...and were no longer eight or nine years old. They were both about fifteen or sixteen. They were bursting out of their clothes that were now too tight for them. One had a rip up the right side of her dress all the way from her hip to her underarm. She looked at me and blushed. She had a crush on me I could tell. The other one did too. I could see the line of her young breasts through a tear in the front of her dress (and both girls dresses rode much of the way up their thighs). I turned away, afraid to look at them. I started to blush at their blossoming beauty.
I fumbled at the blackboard to avoid eye contact and listened to the sound of what must have been a man on the roof going up and down, up and down over and over again in compulsive action, never stopping or slowing down. I'd have to go outside soon and investigate why this was happening.
It was unavoidable. I was going to have to turn and look at the girls again at some point, look at the girls and their bright and beaming faces full of love for me. I turned and was terribly startled and frightened. I could now see into them, into their flesh and see their internal organs, their bones.
I could also see into their wombs, see the bones of their feet in their thin undersized shoes...
It was at this time I decided I'd better do something so I stopped my lesson (I guessed I had been rambling on about something or other) and asked, "Would one of you girls put some more wood in the stove. I'm going outside to see what all that commotion is on the roof." They raced each other to the wood pile. They were both eight years old again and snug inside their dresses and shoes."

Spin the Bottle (flash forward) 1997 Jamie Yerkes movie. 5 childhood friends reunite for a weekend of recollections and revenge. Cast:
Jessica Faller .... Alex
April Harvey .... Young Alex
Kim Winter .... Bev
Allison Gervais .... Young Bev
Holter Graham .... Jonah
Michael Conn .... Young Jonah
Heather Goldenhersh .... Rachel
Kristen Way .... Young Rachel
Mitchell Riggs .... Ted
Zachery Newland .... Young Ted

Prince of Tennis (flash forward) Manga 6th year just published "Tennis no Oujisama" Auteur : Konomi Takeshi. The heroine of a certain tennis cartoon aged gradually, it is visible in the work over 5 months. It was pointed out her age increased in the serialized Weekly Boy's Jump. The impression was she aged more abruptly, but it was a natural change.
1st volume page 9
10th volume page 12
28th volume page 78
(tm) faces

One Piece (flash forward) Anime. flash forward

Charmed (flash forward) 2006 final episode. Piper meets herself at various ages. flash forward

unknown (male AP) Scandinavian documentary. Clip at jodysplace: http://www.videospace2.net/video_gallery.htm. Scroll down to June updates and look for "Hair Growth". In the clip a boy comes out of the school shower. An actor wearing a superhero costume with a "P" sprinkles some "magic" on the boy which causes him to become hairy. At the end of the clip the boy has an adult body but his face remains the same. (derydan)

The Andy Milonakis Show (male CB APed) Slight growth AP in Hulk parody. male

Honey we're Killing the Kids (male AA AP) TLC promo. male AA AP

Tatiana (AR) "El Patio de Mi Casa" music video from "Brinca" album, Mexico 1996. Little girl wanders into poor but happy neighborhood. The girl is shy at first, but Tatiana beckons her into joining them. The girl's mother bursts in and yells at her. That night Tatiana takes her back to the neighborhood. Everyone is in colorful costumes now, the place is brightly lit, and the people are all singing and dancing wildly. The girl's parents have followed and are soon yelling. Tatiana comes up to Mom and peels off a star, revealing a smile on Mom's face instead of the anger she had just seconds earlier. At the end, they all hold hands and the mother is transformed into a little girl too. This seems to be the actual theme, that adults ought to become kids again in order to think like them and have fun with them. Tatiana's own image is sort of that of a kid who never really grew up (her earlier "adult" albums notwithstanding).

Kids Next Door (AR) AR

X-Men (AR in alternate script, was not used) Chris McQuarrie was proud of his script, which is available on several web sites, and is a far more thoughtful and inventive version than the 2000 movie. His heroes were humans, not mutants in tights who speak in balloons. Wolverine listens to Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog" while holed up in his Alaskan cabin, Professor Xavier turns the shape-shifting Mystique into an annoying little girl.

Totally Spies (CB) "Attack Of The 50 Foot Mandy" 2006. Clover is a fast growing girl. growth CB - CB

Wonder Showzen (TG APed AA) Fake kids show. Drill instructor orders girl to stop thumb sucking and grow up. AA TG APed

Codename wa Sailor V (APed TF) Naoko Takeuchi manga, 1991, prequel to Sailor Moon. 13 year old Minako Aino encounters a talking cat who claims that Minako can transform into a woman stronger and more beautiful than anyone, the sailor-suited soldier of justice Sailor Venus. Her compact can disguise her as any type of person she chooses. It needs to be put in the full moon's light to charge.

Chronokinesis Word. Chronokinesis is the ability to mentally affect the flow of time. Examples: Tempus and The Avatars in Charmed, Illyria in Angel. (jeff2beyoung)

AR in gallery
AR in gallery
new AR forum (Japanese only):
AR forum
http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~hill/bbs_01ar/minibbs.cgi (deleted)
new AP forum (Japanese only):
AP forum
http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~hill/bbs_02ap/minibbs.cgi (deleted)
TF art board no AR/AP
Celebrities then and now (O)

Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo (AR, RN) Anime ep 4. Kagagiri Kirika is a tall well-endowed genius high school senior with her own research lab at the school. When she transforms into her "Alice User" form, she ARs from 18 to about 8. She loses no mental ability and can fight in her chibi form as well as her other teenaged form. Kirika transforms again in ep 5 and likely in later episodes as well. I love the bunny-eared "Alice" forms of Arisu and Kiraha too. I think there is minor AP/BE when they transform. (Tuxedo Will)

Devil May Cry 3 (AP, RN) Manga issue 1, prequel to Playstation 2 game, 2005.
Dante sees young girl in chair, holding stuffed rabbit. Dante shoots the stuffed rabbit out of the girl's hand. She doesn't move.
Dante : Jackpot! C'mon Alice. Time to go back through the looking glass.
Alice's eyes open, showing all black. She growls as her legs lengthen and she stands up, more than twice as tall as Dante.
Dante : Well this is new. I've heard of kids having growth spurts, but you, darlin'
Dante shoots out her knees, and she falls to the ground, held up by stubs from where her legs were.
Dante : Heh. Give the term knee-high a whole new meaning. *sigh* Kids today. They grow up so damned fast! Bad little girls go to time out. Big time.
The rabbit spreads a clawed hand to child-age Alice, who begins changing. She starts to scream.
Rabbit : Do you think she will return to her parents? How do you think she came to be here?
Dante leaps up and grabs Alice, landing safely with her in his arms. Alice has turned into a full-grown woman now. She brings up her arms to hug Dante.
Alice : You saved me! My hero! Look! I have breasts! And my legs, they're so long. Do you like me, Dante? Do you want me? Am I desirable as an adult? I hated that no one noticed me. I wanted to hurry up and become an adult. I always believed that my prince would come for me. I must do this! I'll never go back! Not when I'm so pretty! Let me go! What are you?! No! NOOOO!
Dante lies on top of the now normal aged Alice.

Maria de Buenos Aires (AP) Dance Opera, Theatre de la Jeune Lune, Minneapolis. Director Dominique Serrand. A woman grows to enormous lengths under a red tablecloth. A batch of bread dough is shaped into a pregnant belly -- and later, fitted with arms and legs, becomes a baby. A child flashes into a full-grown woman with a twist of cloth. Maria is played simultaneously by Christina Baldwin and Jennifer Baldwin Peden. Nora Epp gives life to Maria the child.

Timelapse (excellent AP fan character, UC) "Enter the Darkness" X-Men fanfic, at SuperStories.net.
They introduced me to several more kids. There was Timelapse, a brunette girl who appeared to be 19 or 20, but turned out to really only be 13. She apparently had the power to temporarily alter her own age, and usually liked to make herself look just a little older than the other students.
Then I noticed the cute little 10 year old girl who was sitting off to the side and watching the two of them silently. It took me a moment to realize that this was Timelapse at a new age. I hadn't seen her become so young before since she usually seemed to prefer being older than she really was rather than younger.
A few minutes later, I was out by Jessie's car, waiting for everyone else to get there. Then I noticed a woman who looked about thirty or so coming towards us with a bit of a smirk on her face. It took me a moment to realize that it was Timelapse, having made herself a little older. "I'm going to have to keep you kids from getting into trouble," Timelapse said, sounding a bit smug. "And I'm going to be keeping an eye on you," Pete Wisdom said from the side, taking a drag from his cigarette. "You ain't going into no pubs on my watch girl..." "Awwww," Timelapse whined, sounding more like the 13 year old that she really was. "And smell your cigarettes the whole way?" Timelapse grimaced and stuck out her tongue, "No way..."
As soon as we got to town, the rest of us kind of wandered into a pizza joint and arcade. Timelapse immediately went for the dancing video game, which was sort of funny to watch as she still looked like an adult. The rest of us just sat down and ordered a couple pizzas.
And as I stood there, Nita came out of her bedroom, dressed only in a pair of pajamas. Another little girl about the same age, also wearing only pajamas followed her, hands on her hips and scowling. I thought that it was somewhat amusing that Timelapse and Nita were roommates, but I guess it made sense since they were the two youngest kids at the school. Timelapse scowled in annoyance, growing bigger and older right before my eyes. She aged several years, until she looked to be about 11 years old, but with her pajamas so tight that they were ready to burst open. She finally noticed this, then became younger again, stopping at the age of about 9 or so where her pajamas were a bit loose on her. "I can't sleep if you keep leaving that light on overhead," Timelapse grumbled. "But I'm afraid..." Nita whined. "Hey," I called out to them, causing them both to jump as they apparently hadn't noticed me in the hall. "So you're afraid of the dark," I looked down at Nita. I just smiled down at her, then on an impulse said, "Maybe you should use a night light." I glanced over at Timelapse, "You can have a bit of light but it won't be enough to bother her..."

Emmanuelle's Perfume (adult ARed) 1992 movie. When Emmanuelle retreated to a Tibetan monastery, she was given a perfume that can reduce the ages of adults into younger adults. She could enter another woman's body and experience her sexual rapture. The sensual, magical touch of Emmanuelle's perfume regresses Sam's parents by 50 years with devastating sexual results... Sylvia Kristel: Emmanuelle. Marcela Walerstein:Young Emmanuelle.
Prequel to Emmanuelle's Love 1993 movie. She's given a mystic substance which will give her youth and allow her to enter the souls of other women. She searches her true love Mario from 20 years ago. When he sees young Emmanuelle, he doesn't believe it's really her, but she retells all the juicy details of her past to prove it to him. (TBTC)

Robot Chicken (possible AP/AR?) Tv Alert: Sunday June 4, 2006 Cartoon Network Claymation, season 2 Ep 10: "Password: Swordfish". Harry Potter uses magic to fight...puberty. (Tazz, JeffR)

Changeling (coming of age) 2004 photo exhibit at the Australian Centre for Photography deals with the watershed between childhood and adulthood. Each photographer explores, some with telling text, experiences ranging from awkwardness with burgeoning sexuality to teenage suicide.
Julie Sundberg Photographs of her daughter Sheena at 14 are remarkable for their candor. In one telling triptych, Sundberg portrays her daughter nude with an expression on her face that suggests this 14-year-old's surprise at her developing breasts.
Polixeni Papapetrou There will be much debate about the flirtatious nudes of her daughter Olympia - they seem calculating and cynical, perhaps providing unnecessary fuel. Wonderland and Dreamchild Series.

Keroro Gunso (AR, AP) Additional manga info:
Vol. 3: Aki AR, Natsumi AP
Vol. 4: Natsumi Oni Girl Transformation
Vol. 6: Momoka AP and Aki Oni Girl Transformation (single pictures in back)
Vol. 8: Momoka AP/Transformation into Aki
Vol. 9: Fuyuki (male) AR.
Vol. 11: Natsumi AR, Aki, Fuyuki, and Angol Moa Oni Girl Transformations

X-Men: The Last Stand (minor AR scene, RNed) 2006 movie. Mystique (Rebecca Romijn) shapeshifts into a little girl at one point to taunt a guard, but not much more than that. (Metamorphose.org)

Eucerin (flash forward cuts) 2006 b&w commercial from girl to woman through the years.

Keroro Gunso (AR, AP RN) Anime. "Hinata Aki, A Dynamite Woman" 5/29/2004 Ep9. Natsumi's mother Aki is ARed from adult to preteen. One of the frog aliens is ARed from adult to baby. Aki is nostalgic about her school days and decides to go to her son and daughter's school wearing one of her son's uniforms. Apparently her daughter's school uniform was too big or unavailable. At school she is oddly enough mistaken for her own son Fuyuki. Aki addresses one of the girls familiarly (Momoka-chan), who assumes it's a confession from Fuyuki. Aki also plays some killer soccer against her daughter Natsumi (a top soccer player at the school) and wins! The real Fuyuki is confused by the acclamations after Mama leaves. Aki is APed back at the end of the episode. The AP RN scene is wonderful according to Tacostar. In #18 APed Natsumi looks kawaii in a bikini. (Tuxedo Will)

Parker Lewis Can't Lose Live action Tv series.
- (male APed RN, male ARed dream sequence?) "Science Fair" Season 1, Ep 12, 11/18/90. Parker and Mikey help Jerry overcome stage fright so he can win the district science fair. Luke Edwards plays Young Jerry.
- (male AP growth) "Jerry's First Date" 3/24/91, 1.21. Larry goes through some growth spurts. Jan Rabson plays Future Jerry.
- (male APed RN dream sequence, male AR dream sequence) "Money Talks" 2.22, 4/26/92. Mikey AR's to a 5 y.o. kid (Asher Metchik) as a representation of his maturity. Mikey goes to a 10-year-old then back to his normal age.

ShoujoFiction Story Archive Several stories have AR/AP in them.

Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats (possible AP commercials, AR commercials, probable AA, RN) Airline pilot, Texas millionaire, football player, etc. explain in rhyme that the nutrious breakfast cereal appeals to their 'adult' side. Then they suddenly 'shrink' into lookalike kids in oversized clothes, who add the sugar-frosting appeals to the 'child inside them.' Commercials usually featured a man, then a woman, then either/or. As time went on, they tried to find cute end gimmicks. A couple times, they had kids suddenly turn into adults, then they tried adding bystanders to react to the sudden change. Businesswoman transforms into young girl, and matron tells waitress "I'll have what she's having". (doctor anguish)

Disneyland (male old age) Haunted Mansion ride. Haunted paintings in the mansion include aging man and lady turning into cat from waist down. (Scissorhands)

Punky Brewster Effect (flash forward) Noun. Occurrence in which young child star suddenly becomes beautiful woman after going through puberty; named after sitcom character played by Soleil Moon Frye in mid-80's; also known as Rudy Huxtable Syndrome. Keisha Knight Pulliam, Alyssa Milano, Candace Cameron, Lacey Chabert, Madeline Zima, Raven Symone, Mackenzie Rosman, etc, etc, all went through the Punky Brewster Effect.
Name of male version of Effect is unknown. (urbandictionary)

Punky Brewster (role reversal, dream sequence) "Vice Versa" Ep 83, 5/19/88. When Punky is grounded, she has a dream that she is an indulgent parent who lets her kids do whatever they want to do. In season 4, 11 y.o Soleil's breasts were allegedly restrained with duct tape to make her look less developed. However this could not stop her growth.

male actor link
male actor link (2bya)

The 4400 (possible flashback to previously unseen AP scene) Tv Alert: Sun Jun 11 @ 9 pm on USA. Start of Season 3. It was revealed Isabelle had suddenly changed from a baby to a grown woman. (Tazz)

The Lake House (tree AP in trailer, probable flash forward) 2006 Sandra Bullock movie. Based on "Siworae" (Il Mare), Korea 2000.

puberty effects
13 Going On 30 review
ARed story "Three Men And A Little Theoretical Astrophysicist"
AR themed comic "Jade Chan Adventures"

I Vampiri (old aged) 1956 movie, Italy. Movie based on the Elizabeth Bathory legend (evil woman regains her youth by draining the blood of young women), which cleverly combines a stock vampire scenario with a mad doctor. Bava used a wig with filaments which photographed white under the green 'aging' lighting. The aging techniques were allegedly also used in "Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ" (1925), "Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde" (Fredric March), "Little Big Man" (Dustin Hoffman), "Black Sunday" (Bava again). link

Stargate SG-1 (male ARed) "The Fourth Horseman" 9/16/05, 910. Orlin was brought back as a kid instead of his adult form. A child's human mind can contain far more information for a longer period. He became a boy to preserve as much of the Ancient knowledge as possible. Because of human social conventions he could not renew his romantic relationship with Sam. "I had no choice but to take this form. It's me. Orlin."

Radu (male flashback, male flash forward) "Whap-pa" 2006 music video. Moldovan former member of O-zone (famous for Numa Numa song) sings about a childhood love. You can see Radu regress to a small boy and AP back into an adult but you don't see him regress again until near the end where he regresses twice, then he's APed back into an adult and the song ends. male link (Ararchive)

Hercules (male flash forward) Disney animated movie, 1997. Boy sent from the heavens is adopted by a human couple. He grows up to be an immensely powerful but socially awkward teenager, who doesn't understand why he has these powers, until his foster parents reveal to him how they found him. Cut to a training montage in which our hero prepares to use his powers for good, and physically transitions to his adult form.

Eldest (AP) Christopher Paolini novel, 2005. Toward the end of "Eragon" a baby girl was given a cursed blessing. In this second book of the "Inheritance Trilogy" Elva grows up fast to play her role in life. (JeffR_2bya)

Land of the Lost (slow growth, height increase, real life BE) 1974, 3 season live-action Tv series. Child actress Kathy Coleman had her teen growth spurt on the show. The 3rd season brought concerns that she had grown too much to continue playing the part of Holly. Rather than explore the problems a lone young girl might face maturing in a lost land, the Krofft people put Kathy in low-heeled shoes and ran comparative camera tests, ultimately deciding that, although much taller, she looked enough like the old Holly to pass. Holly was somehow still wearing the same jeans and shirt she was lost in, despite the fact that she was a foot taller (same height as Will) and developing a bosom. Months/years of running from dinosaurs and climbing rocks seemed to have not worn any holes in the knees or made any stains on the shirt. I bet a lot of parents wish they could buy their kids an outfit like that... This issue also discussed in fan fiction.

Growing Pains (flash forward) "Maggie's Dream" 5/21/90, 113, live-action sitcom. When Ben violates curfew once again, Maggie imagines SORASed daughter Chrissy Seaver, played by Ashley Johnson (b. 8/9/83), as an adult played by Kristine Haje (b. 12/21/68).
By The Growing Pains Movie (2000) Ashley had become a young woman herself.

Vampire High (old age) Ep 9 109 "The Withering" 11/10/01. Essie Rachimova (Karen Cliche) develops a serious health problem, while experiencing the withering, a time of vampire-cellular regeneration. She starts aging at an increasingly alarming rate. Carl and Merrill desperately try to find a cure for her illness and discover that the only way for Essie to live is for someone else to die...
Karl: The withering?
Merrill: It's a period of cellular regeneration when a vampire sheds its old cells and replaces them with new ones.
Essie: Yeah, it makes me sound like a bad science project, Merrill.
Marty: Don't worry Essie, women, they are like fine wine. They get better with age. W-Wait. (He smells her) Oh! I'd say you're a Bordeaux vintage hmm ... 1889. (link not confirmed)

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AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal

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