Four interesting RPG/400 programs

These four very interesting programs are written by Tony Weston .
He kindly allowed me to place it on this page.

No special requirements for compile/create objects.
  1. Program to work out the 'COUNTDOWN' Numbers game - Numbers Game Solver.
    (You ever seen the UK Countdown TV show??)
  2. AS/400 Mandel Generator.
  3. An Multi User Talker.
  4. 3-D Naughts And Crosses Game.
The Multi User talker will only work if you specify MAXDEV(10) when creating the display file.

After calling the program, when you want to add another display you....

1) Open another display session to the AS400, but DONT sign on. (Switch on another terminal maybe)
2) At the top right hand side of this display there will be the display device name, something that could be like QPADEV0123 or DISP01.
3) Press F6 in the multi user program and enter this display name.
4) The Sign on screen will change to that of the multi user talker.

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