About one an Otter

Documentation of the Development Process

This has been a long project in coming. Originally stemming from an idea that I came up as "my uncle's secret recipes" into "my uncle's otter farm" instead after my love of one of our previous homework tasks that really got my motivation started. The biggest part of this project was to get the home page polished out and naviagtion bar working, after that was settled, I went into writing up the rest of the pages. Pressed on time, never was able to complete the "store" page. Maybe i'll do that for fun down the road.

Defense of the Final Product

I love Otters! It's really that simple. The design aspects reflect the pasion I have for them. I wish there was more time in the day to work on the site a bit more to flesh out some of the concepts I have, however, I believe the final product meets many of the pointers set in place, and I hope it makes you want to watch those Otter videos!

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

I think implementing more .php elements into the site and a bit of javascript would really bolster the site's functionality. Potentially working on the store and having items that you could check out to a cart would make the site feel more alive. I think that all would have came with more time, but for now, it's otterly awesome.