The Bullseye in Adobe Photoshop Manual



Selection Tools
*  Marquee Tool   -It is used to select a certain part of an object with shape.
*  Move Tool   -It is used to move a selected part of an object.
*  Lasso Tool   -It is used to make a freeform selection on an object.
*  Quick Selection Tool   -It is used to select the same colors or patterns in an object.
*  Crop Tool   -It is used to trim an object.
*  Eyedropper Tool   -It is used to select a certain color for other uses.
Alteration Tools
*  Healing Brush Tools   -It is used to remove some blemishes in an object.
*  Brush Tool   -It is used to make shapes like the stroke of a brush.
*  Clone Stamp Tool   -It is used to clone a part of an object and place on another place.
*  History Brush Tool   -It is used to paint from a past image of history.
*  Eraser Tool   -It is used to remove unwanted parts of an object.
*  Gradient Tool   -It is used to create a gradient in a layer.
*  Blur Tool   -It is used to blur some part of an object.
*  Dodge Tool   -It is used to lighten a part of an object.
Vector Tools
*  Pen Tool   -It is used to create a path with vectors.
*  Text Tool   -It is used to insert texts in the object.
*  Direct Selection Tool   -It is used to move or select a path.
*  Shape Tool   -It is used to create a certain shape in the object.
Helping Tool
*  Hand Tool   -It is used to move the zoom part of an object.
*  Zoom Tool   -It is used to zoom in and out a part of an object.

Copyright Vincent Aclan Cabalar 2014