Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are related disease but have many differences.

Type 1 diabetes means that your pancreas is not functioning at all. The body of a type 1 diabetic does not produce its own insulin and therefore requires an external source of insulin. Type 2 diabetics still produce insulin just not enough. Many type 2’s can control their diabetes through diet and exercise. Some Type 2’s does have to take medication such as metformin that help their body regulate BG.

A common misconception is that diabetes is “caused” by being overweight. This is not the case. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that is genetic and has nothing to do with body weight. Being overweight may put someone at higher risk for Type 2 however, being overweight does not “cause” Type 2. In fact, the American diabetes association says that there are many people considered to be of “average weight” that are Type 2 diabetics.

Type 1 Vs. Type 2
Diabetes Facts Type 1 Type 2
Can be controlled by diet alone:
Reqiures a change in diet:
Reqiures insulin:*
Weight is a risk factor:
Can be genetic:
Requires constant Blood Glucose monitoring:
*Some type 2 use insulin although most do not.