Chapter 33

This chapter begins with Sakura having a dream. She first sees Tokyo Tower and after that she sees this figure in front of this large icon. She recognizes that the icon belongs to Clow Reed. Soon afterwards, Kero-chan wakes Sakura up with a cheerful good morning and an alarm clock close by. ^^ However, Sakura's face is a little red (indicating that she has a fever). Kero-chan is concerned but Sakura says tells him not to worry and is soon downstairs dressed in her school uniform ready to have some breakfast. Touya, who was cooking, immediately knew that something was wrong with Sakura and finds out that she had a fever. Sakura, however, tells her brother not to tell their dad saying that he has to go out of town and she doesn't want him to worry. Soon, their dad arrives and they both see them off. Sakura, herself heads for school.

At school, both Tomoyo and Shaolan see that Sakura is not well and are both very concerned. Then Sakura suddenly remembers that she still has Shaolan's teddy bear because Shaolan had "accidently" forgot it. Sakura asks what she should do with it and Shaolan says that she could keep it for awhile.

The scene soon switches outside to the school courts. I think they're playing dodge ball or something but I'm not really sure. Here, they mention that Eriol is not at school today and Chiharu says that perhaps he has a cold. This leads to Takashi saying some ridiculous story/lie about colds. ^^ NEwayz, Sakura, who is still sick, collapses in the middle of a court and a ball is seen hurtling towards her. The ball, however, does not reach Sakura because Shaolan blocks the ball with his arm. Shaolan quickly turns around and starts telling Sakura that she should not be at school if she is not feeling well. Shaolan is practically yelling this and this sort of leads to a crowd gathering around them. (This, in turn leads to Shaolan blushing. ^^) NEwayz, the teacher comes by and says that Shaolan is right and Sakura should go home. Tomoyo also says Sakura should go home but Sakura says that she still has to do some work. Shaolan intervenes saying that he will do the work for her so she can return home. (Awww...what a sweetie. ^^)

So, with no other choice Sakura gets dressed and begins to go home mentioning that this is the first time she has left school early. NEwayz, Sakura almost collapse again but Touya is there to catch her. Yukito is with them and explains that today they are getting out of school early and that Touya has been worried about Sakura all day. (Awww...another sweetie!!!) When they all get home, Yukito heads towards his home and says that if they need any help, just give him a call. After this happens, Yukito gives him a sort of weird, concerned look. Touya asks what's wrong and Yukito promptly replies that he will say it next time. After that, he soon leaves.

While Sakura is in bed, Sakura senses Clow Reeds' magic and immediately begins to try to go out to the source. Kero-chan, in vain, tries to stop her by saying that her brother will be worried that she will not be in bed. Sakura agrees with this and uses "The Mirror" to make a double of herself so that her brother will not worry. After that, Sakura dresses up in one of Tomoyo's costumes (it's a lot warmer) and runs (wobbles) towards the source of the magic. She does try to call Shaolan as she had promised but Shaolan was not home.

The next scene shows Touya entering the room and seeing Sakura (or "The Mirror") and he gives "Sakura" a weird look but asks if she will eat the medicine anyway.

The next scene switches back to Sakura where she is flying high above the city. She is however still sick and collapses in midair. Shaolan again is there to save her life by creating a gust of wind to slow down her decent. ( that the right spelling?) Shaolan however soon looses Sakura to the fog. With Sakura caught in the fog, Sakura uses "The Windy" and that pretty much clears up the mysterious fog. The only problem is, Sakura is still very weak and she unable to sustain her wings and begins to plummet towards the ground. Shaolan begins to race towards the area where Sakura might land. Surprising enough, it is Eriol who catches Sakura and even relieves her of her fever. Soon afterwards, tho, Shaolan and Kero-chan make it to Sakura's location only to find that she is safe and sound on a roof with a coat over her. Shaolan questions on who the coat belongs to.

Back at the house, "Sakura" tells Touya that she is full (she just had dinner) and she is ready for the medecine. Touya does not give it to her saying that if you are feeling okay then you shouldn't take medecine. This surprises "Sakura" and Touya says that he knew all along that she was not Sakura. Touya then begins to scold Sakura and saying that he knows everything. He then puts his hand on "Sakura's" head and says thank you. After that, the scene switches to the real Sakura coming back through the window. "The Mirror" returns to her card form but before completely transforming she says that she is really happy that she could see him again.

Outside Sakura's house, Kero-chan is talking to Shaolan saying that Sakura's fever seems to have gone away. After that, he then insults Shaolan but Shaolan is too preoccupied to have any reaction.

Back in the house, Sakura is taking her temperature and quickly shows her brother that her fever is all gone. Touya looks a little relieved saying that this is the real Sakura. He then gives her some honey milk and says that he shouldn't worry anymore. Sakura did not hear and asks him what did he say and Touya says that after drinking the milk, she should go to sleep.

Soon, Touya is downstairs about to put the tray and cup away when he here's the door. It seems that the dad had come home and said that Sakura did not seem well this morning. They, then both check on her and the dad mentions that Sakura is a really good girl and Touya agrees.

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