Chapter 32

The chapter opens up with the giant teddy bear that was meant for Yukito towering over Yukito's house. (Weird, eh? I know...) Sakura, who is very confused, is almost stepped on and swatted at by the originally inanimate doll, but Yue saves her life just in time. The triumph, however quickly ends as Yue loses strength, loses his wings and crashes towards the grounds. Sakura seems to be relatively unharmed but Yue is injured.

The scene switches briefly towards Eriol, Ruby Moon and Spinel but it quickly returns back to Sakura and the gang. Sakura, who is genuinely concerned over Yue, uses "The Jump" and begins her attack on the teddy bear. Tho, I wouldn't really call it an attack. NEwayz, even tho Sakura manages to escape most of the bear's attack, Yukito's house is getting wrecked. Yue, who is still weak, tells Kero-chan to tell Sakura that she must find the bear's magic source. The area where most of the magic is located. Sakura does this and finds out that the source is located at the ear. Sakura then uses "The Sword" in order to cut off the ear. However, it is not enough because "The Jump" leaves Sakura vulnerable enough to be attacked by the bear. The only to way to succeed is to use "The Fly" but as you all know, Sakura uses her wand to fly but she also needs it to transform into a sword. Sakura, however, asks "The Fly" to allow her to fly without using the wand. The card then transforms into a Sakura card and Sakura actually sprouts wings. Because she has her own wings, she is free to use "The Sword" and cuts off the ear. The teddy bear then shrinks and a piece of paper falls into her hand that shows Clow Reeds' magical icon. Eriol is quite impressed by Sakura's actions.

The next scene set outside of the school and Sakura has just told Shaolan about the things that had happened the night before. Sakura is holding the teddy bear and Shaolan is holding a package which is suppose to have Shaolan's teddy bear in it. Shaolan then asks why Sakura didn't tell him to come and Sakura explained that she was not expecting an attack. To solve this problem, Tomoyo has given Sakura, Kero-chan and Shaolan these funky looking cell phones. The cell phones are actually new equipment from Tomoyo's mom's company. Sakura then promises Shaolan that she will call him if something comes up. They kinda pinky swear and this leads to Shaolan blushing. Shaolan then asks if the teddy bear is for Yukito and Sakura says yes. She then apologizes because she thinks he also likes Yukito. Shaolan then says that she is wrong because he likes someone else. Sakura almost immediately asks who but all Shaolan can get out is "Sa..." before Sakura apologizes and says that it is none of her business. After that, she asks what is in the bag and this is about Shaolan can take and he runs off. (kawaii...) Shaolan, however, leaves the teddy bear behind...with Sakura.

At Touya's school, Yukito seems to be very tired and confused. (You'd be confused to if you were always blanking out. ^^) Touya once again tries to express his feelings towards Yukito but is interrupted by Nakuru. She then tells him that it is his turn to do the work (I think cleaning up.) so he turns to leave. Nakuru then says that Yukito doesn't know anything and that he should not get in the way of Touya and her. Yukito seems to be very upset upon hearing this. (Awww...poor Yukito... *pouts*)

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