Trident Cosplay

What is cosplay?

Cosplay, short for "costume play", is a type of performance art whose participants outfit themselves, with often-elaborate costumes and accessories, as a specific character. Characters are usually sourced in various Japanese and East Asian media, including manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, and fantasy movies.

Cosplay participants ("cosplayers") form a subculture centered around wearing their costumes and reenacting scenes or inventing likely behavior inspired by their chosen sources. In some circles, the term cosplay has been broadened to include simply wearing a costume, without special consideration given to enacting characters in a performance context.

Cosplaying can be divided into two categories: basic cosplay and Masquerade. While basic cosplay only involves an attempt to look like a particular character, either in the halls of a convention or on stage, Masquerade is much more involved. When masquerading, Cosplayers attempt to act as the character would. They often have prepared skits with memorized lines, and the more advanced masqueraders can easily ad-lib their character's personality.

Anime/manga Cosplay has become very popular amongst fans in Japan and North America. Some Cosplayers make their own costumes, investing large amounts of time and money in the process, while others buy their costumes from professional costume designers. then add on to there props. The end products are generally shown off at Anime conventions. Many Anime conventions hold contests for cosplay and for masquerade. Some successful cosplayers have become very popular and are considered celebrities in their own right.

Trident Cosplay Background

Trident Cosplay was formed when four friends who loved to cosplay came together and decided to do joint collaborations among themselves. Photoshoots within the Trident cosplay are usually group oriented a.k.a all characters that are being cosplayed come from the same medium.