Our mission is to provide a warm atmosphere for your family where we can share the traditional cuisines of Italy. Our food will always be fun, fresh and filled with love. Pasta Amore combines the cooking traditions and ingredients of Italy with creativity, providing a modern twist on timeless classics. Our vision for the future is to grow and learn along with our customers. In doing so, we aim to provide an atmosphere that enables this growth and fuels the passion that lives within the essence of the brand. The approach of Pasta Amore is to develop our brand with the understanding of both our culture and consumer insights. Within our vision always lives the promise of inspiring creativity, conversation and quality.

Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and political changes, with roots stretching to antiquity. Significant changes occurred with the discovery of the New World and the introduction of potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and maize, now central to the cuisine but not introduced in quantity until the 18th century. Italian cuisine is noted for its regional diversity, abundance of difference in taste, and is one of the most popular in the world, with influences abroad. Italian cuisine is characterized by its simplicity, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation. Ingredients and dishes vary by region. Many dishes that were once regional, however, have proliferated with variations throughout the country.

Italian cuisine has developed over the centuries. Although the country known as Italy did not unite until the 19th century, the cuisine can claim traceable roots as far back as the 4th century BCE. Food and culture was very important at that time as we can see from the cookbook (Apicius) which dates back to first century BC. Through the centuries, neighbouring regions, conquerors, high-profile chefs, political upheaval and the discovery of the New World have influenced its development. Italian food started to form after the fall of the Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditions. Many different types of bread and pasta were made, and there was a variation in cooking techniques and preparation. The country was split. For example, the North of Italy (Milan) is known for its risottos, the central/middle of the country (Bologna) is known for its tortellini and the South (Naples) is famous for its pizzas.