So, you want to qualify for the Great Forest Ring?

First, you have to make sure your site will fit into the Great Forest Ring. To do that, look and see if your site matches the following guidelines:

1) Your site must, overall, be about one or more of the Sonic the Hedgehog versions! I don't care which - Archie, Fleetway, SatAM Cartoon, vidgames, anime, whatever!

2) Your site has to be . . . well, . . . a little off kilter. A little off the the wall. A little out of its gourd. In other words, it must be (slightly) deranged. It could be that your page is set up to be an actual location in Sonic the Hedgehog, or that you are actually a Mobian from the future that is writing a webpage in order to get help getting back home, or you use strange labels for your links, or whatever! If it's strange, it may qualify you to get in!

3) No profanity or references to drugs or sex without some kind of disclaimer or warning at the top of the page containing such! This ring may be deranged, but let's keep it clean, okay?

4) You have to visit my page at least a million times and force everyone else you know to do the same! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Um . . . just kidding! =] )

Need the HTML for the ring? Just go in here. Remember to replace (youraddress) with your e-mail address, (yourname) with your name, and (id) with your site ID. Oh, and don't use the parenthesis.

So what're you looking at?


Here's what it should look like (your sizing may vary):

This (slightly) deranged Great Forest Ring site is owned by Roland Lowery.
Click to warp your mind into:
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Questions, comments, suggestions, complaints? Send them to Roland Lowery at [email protected]! He enjoys hearing from people who can spell.

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