Revelation-It's Grand Climax at Hand, 2006, page 195
A person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as by becoming part of an organization whose objective is contrary to the Bible, and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. –The Watchtower, September 15, 1981, page 23.

Dialogue with a JW Regarding the Watchtower Society's Relationship with the United Nations

The following is Jehovah's Witness Heinz Schmitz's response to my rebuttal of his defense of the Watchtower Society's relationship with the United Nations, along with the ensuing dialogue. The rebuttal that spawned this discussion can be found here.

Note that I have identified Heinz's comments with a distinctive font and color.

Response from Heinz:

It always amazes me how much people like you hate JW's so much. It scares me sometimes. Bigotry is alive and well, and it BURNS inside of you. You actually start by building on the fact that it was "secret" and from there you concoct your prejudicial diatribe. I don't need to know everything they do. We are not shareholders. I don't know every investment, every building they own, every subscription and every legal case they are tangled up in, just like you don't know the same regarding your pastor, the Vatican, the Southern Baptist Convention, the National Council Churches, etc. You have your twist on the story, which I know you feel you MUST believe as it feeds your hate...but that is something you have to work on, not me. Let go of the anger.

My reply:

Hello again,
I assure you that despite your accusations, I do not hate JWs. I have several JWs in my family, and I do not hate them. On the contrary, I love them dearly and it is primarily for them that I have become involved in exposing the true nature of the Watchtower Society.
It is quite apparent that you prefer to label someone a JW-hater rather than respond to a logical argument. Others have made the same observation. This is known as 'argumentum ad hominem'. It is a logical fallacy by which a claim or argument is dismissed or rejected on the basis of some irrelevant (and often untrue) assertion made against the person presenting the argument. It is attacking the person rather than attacking the argument.
Could we instead try to have a civil discussion? I think you would agree with me that the truly important element of the WTS-UN affair is whether the requirement to "support" the UN was in place when the WTS joined the rest of the harlot class atop the beast. You made the following claims in your argument:
> Years later, unbeknown to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, the United Nations published "Criteria for Association", stipulating that affiliated NGO's are required to support the goals of the UN.
> The above clearly confirms exactly what the WTS has said: That *after* they applied for NGO status there was a change in the language of the "Criteria for Association."
> The WTS applied for a library card at the UN. After they had received this card, the requirements for holding this card changed, so they returned it.
I demonstrated in my rebuttal that these statements of yours are outright FALSEHOODS; the requirement to support the UN and indeed to build public support for the UN was in place in 1992, and the Society would have been aware of this. Please notice:
Quotes from the *1992* press release:
" public understanding and support for United Nations programmes and goals."
" the charter of the United Nations..."
Quotes from the *1992* brochure:
"...mobilizing public opinion...for the United Nations."
"Monitor and promote support of United Nations goals and resolutions..."
Quotes from the *1968* Resolution (1296):
" the work of the United Nations..."
" in conformity with the spirit, purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations"
Now Heinz, either you didn't do your homework, in which case you have no business presenting a public defense of the Watchtower Society, or else you are every bit as devious as those you would defend. Which is it? I believe the facts show you were indeed intentionally deceitful in compiling your defense of the Society; you deliberately excluded pertinent information from your essay so as to present your readers with an untrue picture, and you made statements in direct opposition to the facts.
If you are at all interested in truth, you'll remove your fallacious argument from the Net. I urge you to do this and to instead publicize the TRUTH of the matter: that in 1992 the WTS joined the religions of the world in seeking and obtaining formal association with the United Nations, an association that came with a requirement to support and build public support for the UN, their programmes, their resolutions, and their goals.
Heinz, I have no anger, I have no hate. What I have is called a love of truth.
Trevor Scott.

Click here for the rebuttal that spawned this dialogue. Click here for more on the Watchtower Society and the United Nations. Click here for more on the slander tactics of the Watchtower Society.