This is our 'plain' page, Please visit our 'official' web page, HERE!
Virtual Violet Shows
online African violet shows
Online 'Virtual' Violet Shows
are lots of fun!
Some of our members take them seriously,
and others enter 'just for fun'.
Browsing the showroom and casting a vote
is an enjoyable experience
for members and non-members alike!

Visit our Past Shows:

INTERESTED in Joining the Fun?
  •   'Virtual' Violet Show Rules, typical of rules 

  • for future shows.
  •  View  a Show Schedule, from the May 2004 show. 

  • Similiar schedules will be used for our future shows.
Visit our MSN 
Group Map
AV Chat
AV Fun
and Info
Violet Shows

This is our 'plain' page, 
Please visit our 'official'
web page, HERE!

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Copyright 2004-5 TheVioletVoice Group and Members
Hosted by