The Andor Files
The Andor Files

Adding detail to
3.75" Mego Star Trek action figures

In early 1980, Mego Corporation released 3.75" action figures of background aliens from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. When I finally bought a loose set - one by one - on eBay in 1999, I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with the figures' slap-dash sculpting, minimal painting and (eeek!) costuming errors. And, of course, the figures I bought were not mint and some had play wear. Let the customised detailing begin!

Scroll down to learn how I "improved" these three figures:

Arcturian Megarite Zaranite
Arcturian Megarite Zaranite

Improved Megos

The Arcturian desperately required a grey/pink complexion (Mego left his face an unpainted caucasian tone, though their 12" figure was more accurate in that regard). A little gold and silver trim on his uniform brought him up to scratch.

The Megarite originally came with a tacky, black vinyl cape (although mine had lost his) - and the face was unpainted and too pale. The new cape came from a Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace Naboo accessory set. I simply cut off the sleeves and used brown cotton thread to fasten it around the neck.

The Zaranite's silver and gold trim was quite worn, but I also decided to paint the breathing mask's eye slits. Hoses, essential for an alien which breathes fluorine gas, were made from pieces of faux leather cord and superglued from the mask to the backpack tank.

My Mego customs:

[Andorian female] [Betelgeusian] [Rigellian lord]

Playmates customs:
[Recipes for customising] [Tellarite] [Arex] [M'ress] [Dr Selar] [Capt. Bev and Prof. Data] [Tuvix]

Races of the United Federation of Planets

A Rogues' Gallery of Andorians

A Summary of the Physiological Roots of Andorian Culture by Leslie Fish

Captain Therin's photo album

See Therin and Grol hosting intergalactic game shows

Therin's Log of the USS Hood (Fiction by Ian McLean)

That other blue race

Separated at Birth...?

Ian and Therin's hot links

The Andor Files
The Andor Files

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Star Trek © Paramount Pictures Corp. This website is not intended to infringe on copyrights held by Paramount/Viacom. The Mego Customising pages © 1999 Orange Eye Productions. No text or graphics may be reproduced without permission.

Page revised June 2006
Email Therin and Ian at: [email protected] 1