BARTSTRA, G.J., D. A. HOOIJER, B. KALLUPA and M. ANWAR AKIB 1991/1992 Notes on Fossil Vertebrates and Stone Tools from Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the Stratigraphy of the Northern Walanae Depression. Palaeohistoria 33/34:1-18.


This paper examines the development of centralized craft production systems in early second millennium A.D. Philippine chiefdoms. Archaeological and ethnohistoric evidences document the emergence of two distinct forms of specialist production: "attached specialization" in prestige goods and "independent specialization" in mass-produced domestic goods. Both production systems are analyzed in the context of foreign trade interactions with China.

JUNKER, LAURA, KAREN MUDAR, and MARLA SCHWALLER 1994 Social Stratification, Household Wealth and Competitive Feasting in 15th/16th Century Philippine Chiefdoms. Research in Economic Anthropology 15:307-358.

KEALHOFER, LISA and DOLORES R. PIPERNO 1994 Early Agriculture in Southeast Asia: Phytoliths from Thailand. Antiquity 68(260):564-573.

KEATES, S. G. and G. J. BARTSTRA 1991/1992 Island Migration of Early Modern Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia: The Artifacts from the Walanae Depression, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Palaeohistoria 33/34:19-30.

KHOK PHANOM DI VOULUMES: Early 1995 Khok Phanom Di Volume IV: Subsistence and Environment. The Botanical Evidence, by G. B. Thompson, with chapters by G. M. Mason and L. Kealhofer and D. Piperno. This volume covers the rice, charcoal, seed, phytoliths and micro-gastropods, and assesses the paleoenvironment of the site an adaptive human changes to it. Volume V, the Human Remains by N. G. Tayles, will be published it is hoped towards the end of 1995, followed in due course by Volume VI, the Ceramic Industry by B. A. Vincent, and Volume VII, the Summary and Conclusions by C. F. W. Higham and R. Thosarat.
Note: For readers of the Southeast Asian Archaeology International Newsletter, a pre-publication discount of 20% from the retail price is offered, the final price is likely to be in the vicinity of 40 pounds. Any order received by Professor Charles Higham by 1st January will be given the discount.

MIKSIC, J. N., C. T. YAP and HUA YOUNAN 1994 Archaeology and Early Glass Trade in Southeast Asia. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 25 (1):31-46. Glass beads from three areas (Singapore, Riau, Palembang) are analysed with the EDXRF technique. The results, combined with historical data, indicate that residents of Riau probably obtained Indian glass beads via a source in Sumatra, possibly Palembang, before A.D. 1200; after this time they obtained Chinese beads from a different source, perhaps Singapore.

RAY, HIMANSHU P. 1994 The Wind of Change: Buddhism and the Maritime Links of Early South Asia. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Two major trends have dominated studies on the maritime history of ancient India: in the western Indian Ocean, it is emphasized that the enterprise and nautical skills of the Romans and Arabs relegated Indian seafarers to coastal trade; while in the Bay of Bengal, brahmanas as well as Indian merchants are credited with the expansion of Indian culture into Southeast Asia, at the initiative of the local elite.

This work argues that three was an indigenous and complex maritime network existing in South Asia which involved both coastal and transoceanic sailing. Utilizing a variety of sources literary, archaeological, and ethnographic - it demonstrates the multifaceted and dynamic nature of this system in the Early Historical period (400 BC to AD 400). Trade in subsistence as well as luxury goods is shown to have involved not only the Arabs and Indians, but also Oriental Greeks and Southeast Asian communities.

The study also focuses on the importance of the support system provided by Buddhism. As a result of the institutionalization of the Sangha, monastic establishments in the early Historical period interacted with the laity in a variety of ways, both religious and secular, and one important area where this is eminently clear is that of seafaring. Consequently, pilgrimage to Buddhist centres in India opened up major channels of communication between South and Southeast Asia.

The third important aspect of ancient maritime trade examined here is the usefulness of maritime archaeology as the basis for a history of seafaring. It has been shown that a distinct sewn-plank boat building tradition had developed in the Indian Ocean be the beginning of the Christian era which continued well into the historical period, while in the Mediterranean, the flexible hull technique was utilized for the construction of seacraft. The implications of these differing techniques of boat-construction need to be analysed before the a priori superiority of Mediterranean vessels can be postulated.

Note: Copies of the book are available either from:
The Regional Director, Oxford University Press, 2/11 Ansari Road. Dayaganj, New Delhi 100 002 India. or The Oxford University Press, Walton Street. Oxford OX2 5FP, UK

WHITE, JOYCE C. In press Modeling the Development of Early Rice Agriculture: Ethnoecological Perspectives from Northeast Thailand. Asian Perspectives. Spring 1995.

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