Documentation of the Development Process

My intent and purpose behind creating this site was to
1. Get a good grade :) ,
2. Put together a basic page about something I like, and
3. Because it is worth 25% of this course grade and without it I could do no better than a C and that would hurt my overall GPA lol.
To ensure I met the requirements of this assignment I made a list of everything listed on the IT 270 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric and checked them off one by one as I added them to the site

Defense of the Final Product

For the overall design choices I have made here I tried my best to go with something that was clean and easy to look at as well as easy to read text. I picked the light grey background as it is simple, clean and looks good. I used simple images without to much going on so that the overall focus would be on the overall site not one peticular area.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

For future growth I would like to add some embedded music that is soothing to listen to while you browse the site as well as add far more products and accessories. I would also like to add automatically rotating images and maybe click to zoom images for a larger view of the mods and juices.