Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Our Collections
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Films and TV - encyclopaedia of Dalton's works in cinema and TV
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Timothy Daltons tells the story of his life and work by means of his quots from the interviews of different times. You will find here a brief info of him as a person.
Where and how to find and buy videos with the participation of Timothy Dalton
With the K.Brullov's Italian
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Creative portraits of well-known Timothy's partners on stage and in films
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The Best in the Internet about Dalton's works
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      Every Timothy Dalton admirer, especially if she or he is his fan, becomes a collector, a virtuoso: this is the only way to know something new about the idol's creativity and himself as a person. Indeed, only negligible quantity of information you can find in Russian press, even in gutter press leave alone the serious editions, because only few of Dalton's films you can watch on Russian TV.

      The collecting itself is an interesting pastime. And those from fans, who during the collecting process begin step by step to feel an interest in something else, which differs from the works of Mr.Dalton, are usually remunerated for their pry thousandfold - be the inward habit of one artist never so interesting, it can't and shouldn't shade the whole cosmos of experience, skills, findings, thories, colours, thoughts of another people, often no less interesting to know them, than Timothy Dalton.

      Starting the new Chapter of "Our Collections", we "open a window" into this immense world, making our first and timid steps, trying to look at Timothy's creativity and himself as an actor and a human from another point of view.

      However, "Our Collectiions" are placed on another server. That's why to continue Your visit, please, click here!

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