
Welcome to TomFooleryGaming

About Me

Welcome! My name is Tate I am a college student studying Web Design and Computer Science. I used to be really into video games but now that I am busy I don't get to play as much. This is my project for school and I would like to keep updating and adding to this site as I take more captures and play more games to review. Hope you enjoy your time on this site and have an amazing day.


A collection of crazy clips and cool pics from a variety of different games that I have taken. But guess what! You can be involved too. If you have taken a cool capture and want to to upload it on my site send me an email with the capture and then leave a comment on the contact page and I would love to post it in the image gallery.


Interested in a game but don't know if you want to spend the money to play it? Check out the reviews section to learn more about games and see if you think it could be right for you.


Check out the contact page if you would like to send a request for a review, or let me know if you have sent a clip or capture to my email. I don't check my email often so if you send a something don't forget to let me know!