The About Page


My intention for putting this website together was to display my love for video games. I hoped to showcase my interest in them, and hopefully attract others who shared the same interests, or even persuaded some whom never have played video games, a desire to try them out. The general criteria run-down was simply to showcase video games in all their glory. Showing videos of actual game play, along with the latest news in the indsutry and walkthroughs for those interested in playing/beating the game.

The template I used for the website from looked the most clean and concise that I had found. It's nothing too flashy or complex, but it gives the site a nice, clean, rugged look. All of the websites' pages have a similar structure and hierarchy. I didn't want the pages to be too different, as I felt it would throw of the flow of what the site was accomplishing. Users generally don't want things askew, or several different font types and sizes scattered throughout, or animated, annoying gifs everywhere. They would prefer to see a cohesive site structure, knowing that time and effort was put in for them, the user. Compliancy of the ease of use typically doesn't require complex imagery or use of rediculous fonts. It's moreso about the content of which you're trying to portray. Having bad site design will most definitely take away from the end goal of what you're trying to achieve with your website.

I would like to add additional content to the website in the future. I thouroughly enjoyed the creation process and learning through trial and error. I absolutely would have loved recording, editing and using my own videos. I simply didn't have the time, hence the linking to outside sources. Writing my own walkthroughs would be on the list as well. Again, no time. Instead of throwing together a couple hundred word review, I would prefer to go in-depth, describing every aspect of the game. Putting a Guest Book form on the site for those who have visited, so they could relay their opinions as well as feedback.