Unknown Hieroglyphs


The Phaistos Disk The Rongorongo of Easter Island Last Update:20/07/2001


The Phaistos Disk
Clay disk found at the Palace of Phaistos. On both sides 242 signs have been impressed with sealstones, running in a spiral form starting from the edge towards the centre.
The signs belong to an ideographic and probably syllabic script, which has not yet been deciphered despite the numerous attempts over the years. The exact date of the disk is also questionable, but it probably dates from the MM IIB period (17th century B.C.)

(Click at the pictures for full size)

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The Rongorongo of Easter Island
There has been much controversy and confusion concerning the origins of the Easter Islanders.Some have suggested that Easter Island is the remnant of a Lost continent of Mu with statues made by ancient Lemurians, or the result of an extra-terrestrial influence .Rongorongo, the hieroglyphic script of Easter Island, the only written language in Oceania, has remained a mystery since its discovery. For over a hundred years, controversy has raged over the meaning and source of these enigmatic characters. Most of those signs are anthropomorphic but others are more strange like those at the next Picture 3. (E.T relevant : Unknown geoglyphs)
To provide an opportunity to examine varying positions on the subject follow the link rongorongo
(Picture 1 : Head of buried moai protruding from the flank of the Rano Raraku quarry)
(Picture 2 : Small Santiago Tablet)
(Picture 3 : Signs 510-529 from Barthel's original list) (Click at the pictures for full size)

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